
Ignorance (and the exploitation there of) is the entire point behind the phenomena/practice of passing. The fact of the matter is that anyone unaware of her history can look at her and see a white person, as a huge number of people did when they first saw her with her all white stage name in the cast line up.

It depends on which side you're looking at it from. In your example, it seems more a simple case of white washing a potentially ambiguous figure (the sorely lacking wikipedia article doesn't really help).

That was the entire point of Asrael taking over though — he was intended as a strawman for the idea of a "grim 'n' gritty" 90s take on Batman by the Bat-writers who were firmly in the "Batman doesn't kill" camp

In that case, they really should have made a different call when casting Lucy Lawless as someone who's possibly meant to be based on Hand's non-white girlfriend in the comics.

She's capable of passing as white pretty easily though, and for some people that's essentially the same thing

Taking the path of least resistance into the scenario, Bruce could easily be made bi-racial the next time the DCU gets rebooted.