
I’m a postdoc in the pharmacology department of a medical school that also trains nurses and PAs, etc, so I teach some classes for the nursing school. Firstly, at least one in three nursing students is a fucking idiot. Secondly, these idiot nursing students are disproportionately placed in maternity wards and NICU. I

I don’t agree about school uniforms. I live in New Orleans where school uniforms are a thing, and haven’t found my son’s high school uniform problematic at all. They require black Dickies for everyone (girls may opt for ugly plaid slacks instead), white polos, button-downs, or blouses embroidered with the school logo,

I feel like canyouguess was trying to figure out unmet public health needs pre-pregnancy, in order to act toward providing resources to those needs in order to increase the quality of life for people who are no longer allowed access to abortions. Because it's going to take a lot of time and effort to unfuck SCOTUS and

Pregnancy is traumatic (at least physically) no matter how it ends. Abortions are not psychologically traumatic to the vast majority of those who have them, and are far less traumatic than childbirth - physically and mentally. But all pregnancies fuck up your body for a bit.

I agree with identifying need. Establishing “safety net” resources for women who don’t want to be pregnant is even more essential now that abortion access is restricted so severely.

Seems like a money issue, as she uses sex work to supplement her income working at a donut shop. I imagine if she made a living wage without sex work, she would just do sex stuff with her preferred partner(s) for fun.

As one of those 90s kids obsessed with pacifiers, I will confirm it was because of drugs. 

My son was born in Waukesha county almost 17 years ago. We GTFO ASAP and have bettered our circumstances, but none of this surprises me. Of the many friends I left behind in Waukesha, only one is still there, alive, and not a drug addict. 

I love milk, preferably whole milk. Actually, preferably goat’s milk, and if that’s not available I’ll do whole milk, then 2%, then skim. If there are only milk substitutes available, I will not have any kind of milk. Fake dairy (especially non-dairy cheese) disgusts me.

She starred against Jet Li in Romeo Must Die.

I think your boyfriend is annoyingly hilarious. 

Take all my stars.

I assumed they did it on purpose to make her appear rounder and more awkward than she really was.

If they weren't mutation factories intent on creating a world-killing plague, I would happily watch them commit suicide by critical stupidity. 

Actually, spoilers don't reduce drag, they increase it proportionally to speed, and help cars stick to the road. If you're interested, you can find a better explanation here: https://www.physlink.com/education/askexperts/ae496.cfm

Just want to point out that as per Catholicism's position on original sin, the unborn are technically not innocent, since they haven't been baptized yet.

White women can take it. It's our turn this time. Seriously, the only folks "punching down" on white women are white men. We can take it.

Agreed. For generations white feminists have focused entirely on their own self-promotion and abandoned the black community, along with other, less WASPy demographics, It’s past time we took some responsibility for the injustice of systemic racism *because we profit from it* even if we don’t personally contribute to

Resentment is like taking poison and hoping someone else dies. 

I don’t think you know what whataboutism is, and I don’t think I’m the person you’re really mad at. Besides, who calls the police? Police murder people.