
You do look strange without your beard.

  • Can we just make Elizabeth Warren president? [MSNBC]

I’m too lazy to even try, as someone already picked apart the white boards and written a summary of what the original ending was going to be?

You’re not alone.I wake up every morning with a new pain trying to think if it’s on the list of symptoms.My bet is scripts for Zanax are being given out like candy..

That is... Disturbing. Trump quotes are more Zap Brannigan than Zap Brannigan quotes.

I really enjoy Garrett's write ups too. Entertaining without venturing into hateful snark. 

If Powell’s closes...man, that’d be a heartbreaker. I grew up in that place.

That’s the same logic I still use when eating instant noodles at home, which have a ton of sodium, but I don’t drink all the broth, so I figure it’s fine.

The snake moment is I think what killed my enthusiasm for voting for Bernie. I’m going to but that’s just so clear in my mind. The automatic assumption that of course SHE was lying...Bernie would never say such a thing...

I can’t say it any better than Tom & Lorenzo.

I’m so glad I already voted and don’t have to choose between biden and bernie. I’ll vote for whoever’s the nominee in the general, but I won’t be happy about it. Bernie was originally my distant second pick, but that was by default.

While I agree with her and Bernie on most issues, my love for Warren and ambivalence towards Bernie highlights that Warren’s supporters may not readily gravitate to Sanders.

If Warren does nothing else but destroy Bloomberg's candidacy, she will have performed a great service to the country. 

I obviously am a failure of the public school system because I had no concept of what a caucus entailed until reading this article. I’ve voted in CA and TX my whole life FWIW. This blows my mind. And I thought gerrymandering was our worst problem.

I really don’t understand why there isn’t a national primary day for all 50 states. Make it the 1st Tuesday in March. Later states like mine (PA) don’t really count because by the time our primary rolls around, we’re not getting the full choice like some of these states get. Only Sanders or Biden by April? No fucking

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

I never could stand NDT, and it offends me that he’s considered the heir to the throne of Carl Sagan. Sagan was a constant advocate for science and was personable and empathetic. In contrast, Tyson is a pedant that thinks he’s the science pope.

Nope to all these pieces today (at this family of sites and others) fawning over her for saying the bare minimum truths that progressives share in meme form on FB. Not to mention that the majority of her “points” have already been made by the top two progressives on the stage (barring the reparations commentary).

You tease me with the promise of ripple, then deny me.

Gotta disagree on the filler songs, maybe its cause I was such a sentimental sap as a kid, but the angry rock songs like Local God, Whatever, and Pretty Piece of Flesh were always my skipped tracks. While Angel and You and Me Song were cute tracks that I kind of adored, and revisiting after reading this article still