
I once ordered a double cheeseburger, ketchup only, and when I got home I had a cheese and ketchup sandwich, no burger.

I would appreciate a lot more porn where the actor’s race wasn’t mentioned in the title/description. I like attractive people doing nasty things and I don’t want weird racial stereotypes ruining my enjoyment of it.

Conversely, can we also not shit on people for doing the right thing?

I only hate read Jezebel now. If they fuck up the layout like they did at Gizmodo, I’m done.

I stay for the comments so don’t bug off just yet!

I am really struggling with what is going on with these Jezebel writers lately. They are just shitting on people for ridiculous reasons, blatantly missing the point, and from the comments it’s more than obvious that they are entirely out of touch with their audience. The fact that they’ve *more than once* mocked

The author seems to have the words “can’t” and “want” confused. The whole idea of JC Penney’s slow death being as a result of a dying middle class (as proposed by this article) is dependent on the notion that people can’t shop there (for financial reasons).

I almost always send single texts with multiple sentences vs separate texts for each sentence. Maybe this makes me an old, but I prefer receiving texts this way as well. I hate hearing my phone sound off three different alerts for what is essentially one text/thought from a friend. I feel the long text with proper

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

I think that Trumpists would feel better if vote by mail wasn’t a brand new idea that hadn’t been pursued on a large scale in the past.

It’d be helpful if there were a state that had been doing all of its elections via for 22 years, preceded by a decade of doing it mostly via mail beforehand. A state where a 36

That statement is probably true about most celebrities to some degree, but yeah, there’s definitely something a bit off. The biggest red flag I saw was his marriage to Amanda Palmer.   

I don’t wish her ill but can’t fucking stand her, hopefully Gaiman will start producing things of quality again.

Holy shit. Light the Torch Signal (it better be a torch)... we finally have an explanation for the world of Cars.

She’s a great musician. She should just never speak publicly. Ever. Because she’s also an idiot. 

That’s a screenshot from a fucking zombie movie and you can’t convince me otherwise.

One of the few bright spots in The Great Quarantine Of ‘20 is my neighborhood pizza place is open and doing well. Marty the delivery guy says they’re as busy as ever and then some. It’s a family-owned business that’s been around for decades and the father is still tossing dough as he approaches 80 yo. Good people and

I’m becoming more and more convinced all these snarky bloggers haven’t been voting age for more than the 2016 election (if that).  My first POTUS election was 2000, so I’ve gotten to experience crushing lows and soaring highs.

I hate that I’m in the position of voting for the *less* rapey guy just so RBG can retire.

Gotta disagree on the filler songs, maybe its cause I was such a sentimental sap as a kid, but the angry rock songs like Local God, Whatever, and Pretty Piece of Flesh were always my skipped tracks. While Angel and You and Me Song were cute tracks that I kind of adored, and revisiting after reading this article still