
And even if your child is vaccinated they can still get the measles. Sometimes they don’t take. I currently work in a hospital and I have had to be tested to make sure that my hepatitis vaccine worked and to make sure I was immune to the chicken pox after having it as a child.

I mean one three second google search found the answer.

J cup and team blue.

I learned a few years ago that the track list is not the order they were originally meant to be played in. It is supposed to be laid out like it was on three records and the times between dusk and dawn etc are more broken down. I don’t know why they didn’t keep that order for the CD but it makes the songs on the

I would end a date over that. I ended a date when the guy didn’t believe in global warming and was all like but who funds the studies saying it is real, etc. At least you found out while on the phone.

But pretending to be impressed by mediocre men is so hard..... Although lately I have come to suspect that my inability to do that also has negative consequences on my dating life too......

I agree. I totally watch that garbage even if I won’t watch most other reality TV. Although the best is when the narrator gets a little snarky about the people on the show.

I know, right? When I was listening to the podcast and they said that I almost died. Mostly I learned from the podcast that a lot of men are stupid when it comes to girls. It makes me wish I knew how to use that power.

Or just maybe women of all sizes need to buy bras and Target would like to make money by selling bras.

I have one large cup of tea in the morning and if I try and skip it. I get the worst headaches so clearly I am addicted to something in it. :)

I would be one of those but that is because I don’t like the taste of coffee unless there is a ton of milk and sweetener in it. And I generally like tea plain.

I know. I have a Christina Hendricks figure and have been told I was fat since like I went through puberty. I never have done well with guys my age (36). Right now, I usually can date guys like ten years older or the guy I am currently seeing is 29. Anyone close to my age still seems to find me too fat even though I

I was told 34DDD, I am a 34J.  I really wish they had just told me they don’t carry my size. I would have saved a lot of uncomfortable years.

They only exist in like four cities but you can buy online within Canada.

When I lived in Vancouver, I loved Change because in the States I could only get the most awful bras because I am a 34J. It was like the first time I didn’t just feel like my bras were bags of ugly fabric. Unfortunately I have learned they are only in like four cities as I am returning to Canada for a conference and

Yeah but you know that guy’s problem is that he wants to date like 20 somethings, and while they might go for a 49 year old, they definitely aren’t going for a 69 year old.

Yeah my parents are from the Midwest by my sisters and I grew up in Oregon. I guess my sister thought that green bean casserole was like a family specialty until a few years ago when she noticed the recipe on the can.

He put Debbie Wasserman Schulz’s so she got one when it was returned to sender.

I used to be able to trust Netflix’s recommendations, but now it is just garbage and I don’t find myself watching as many random things anymore.

Yes, I just don’t like Netflix as much now that they got rid of my years of ratings and now suggest I watch so much terrible crap. At least they finally stopped pushing Adam Sandler on me. But at the very least they need a third, it was fine option on the ranking.