
I know, that is like the first thing I thought of. How do you stand there and do nothing when someone gets all violent for something stupid. And of all the times, I have seen people harassing someone else and someone stands up for them, it is usually a woman. Like there are men around but they are just ignoring things.

I thought it was Stephen King (in collaboration with the CIA) who killed John Lennon, at least that is what a guy who yelled a lot on the Berkeley campus in the early 2000s said.

 I am 36 and the guy I am currently seeing asked and it was nice. But usually guys just go for it if there was a lead up. Before this guy there’s was a guy who kissed me and there was no lead up and in my head i had already been thinking, I hope he doesn’t try and kiss me. So if there was lead up, I would say go for

Are you surprised? They literally print John 3:16 on their paper products.

You should include Alberta inJesuslad to least.

Sure, but if the guy doesn’t offer to pay then she isn’t going to get a free meal. If you don’t want to pay for the date, don’t. If you want to pay for the date, then offer, but don’t complain later about them actually taking you up on it.

I assumed he just wanted people to see that and then tell him how awesome he is, just like that annoying friend on Facebook who posts about how unloved they are for the validation.

Ok. I had assumed that she was in her like mid 40s, but your comment made me look it up and she and I are the same age. I like your theory of sunscreen and not being evil.

I am on these dating apps and several times the men have complained about how the younger girls don’t have anything interesting to talk about/are vapid. I am 35 so the men are in their 30s. I am like you don’t get to complain since you have the age range set that low.

Yep, mine is fading to a more blond brown and many of my cousins have had that too.

I know right. Much dad used to do that on the phone with my extended family, I can’t Imagine what it would feel like to have to have that happen in  the tabloids.

As someone who is mostly straight but whose friends and family routinely ask her if she is a lesbian because she doesn’t date much or hugs her friends who are women. It gets old. It takes all I can to not just like scream at them I know I am not a lesbian because I have tried it and it wasn’t for me. But I don’t think

Well if you were a guy who doesn’t get the ball, I would assume you were actually just a bad player. But as a woman who has played rec league sports, there are plenty of girls who are good, who don’t get passed the ball.

I am a girl and I played softball for nine years when I was in school. I have definitely been knocked over by my guy teammate who needed to apparently catch the ball rather than let me play my position. And then the fact that they all get so angry when we are in d-league intramural softball really makes it no fun.

I know, right? Never really got Colin Farrell when he was in all the actiony movies but then I saw In Bruges and was in love.

And the worst part is that I don’t want children and am looking for someone without children and the men always act like I am terrible for not wanting to date them because they don’t have the children, and I wouldn’t need to do anything. That makes them look worse to me, like be involved with your children’s life and

That might not go too well. I don’t need to outsource, if I wanted to find a man who is uneducated and doesn’t value women, I have a huge selection on Tinder and they are nearby and free. :)

As a scientist, I do not feel that an undergrad degree gives you the knowledge of the field, experimental methods, etc to be able to say I am a geologist. I have a PhD now and I am miles ahead of where I was then (and the field has changed a lot as well in the last 12 years). It is lending him an authority which he

I use nitrile at work. Latex always makes my hands feel dry and gross from the powder, also a touch swollen so maybe I have a slight allergy. But nitrile feel nice and they don’t feel like they are strangling your hand. They are durable too, if I am not doing anything toxic, I will often take on and off the same pair

I work in Science. I have been told basically that when I disagree it is just to disagree, and was once asked if I was deliberately producing negative data so that his hypothesis would be proven wrong and I would be right. Like negative data helps my career at all. And that was when I was already trying not to speak