
Don't let it deter you, there's plenty to enjoy up to 30.

I'd argue Heather is more fleshed out due to exposition, there's plenty to be learned about Harry and James from the twisted mirror Silent Hill holds up to them in the monsters their psyches project.

My major qualm with the third is once they reveal the narrative twist of Heathers identity, the game becomes almost too straightforward and contains the weakest endings of the first four games.

2 is so different as its more of a character study with vignettes of characters crossing paths. It's one of the most subtle forms of storytelling in any game. Even 1 and 3, though I love them, were plot device driven "Find the magic Mcguffin Talisman to end the darkness!"

One of the best and simplest endings of any game ever a template for the ending to The Last Of Us

Silent Hill 2 was different for not containing exposition scenes, all character vignettes. Can't say the same about 1 or 3, though I enjoy those nearly as much.

I won't bear that witness after experiencing the parallel decline of Silent Hill.

I dont know what was more enraging, losing my save file after the skullface mission, or replaying from the beginning to discover that mission was effectively the end of relevant story missions as the last "twenty" were anticlimactic codas or worse, regurgitations of EXISTING STORY MISSIONS. Metal Gear Solid goes out

"Blindly furious"
You're going to WORRY if players on your fantasy football team have money for health insurance?
You're going to WORRY?
What a fucking humanitarian you are.
you're going to "Worry"
christ, you sopping queefing over-emotional pussy.