
Damn - Bruce Campbell was supposed to be in this too!

Good lord, I'd murder someone for a special edition Blu-Ray of Never Too Young To Die.

Amanda Fuller is a talented actress who deserves better. She's great in an Austin-set horror film called Red, White & Blue with Noah Taylor that came out a few years ago, and has been in quite a few other genre films since (like Cheap Thrills) - hope this doesn't derail her career too much.

I find it somewhat more of a stretch that Cersei, as awful as she generally is, would have consensual sex at her son's graveside than I do the idea of Jamie raping her to assert his power when she's at her weakest.

The ending of Raiders was the first bit of gore I ever saw in a film (when I was… five maybe?) and it shellshocked me to the point where, even though I'm nearly 30, a diehard horror fan and can watch any number of gory splatter flicks without flinching, I still have to shut my eyes at Belloq and co's demise. (Hey,

Anyone else read this with James Earl Jones' voice in their heads?

Have signed up with Disqus just to say that the absence of his William Castle-type role in Joe Dante's wonderful Matinee in this rundown is most, most heinous :(