
The game has its issues, one being that the story is incomplete, then you will have a hard time playing certain co-op tasks (Ex-Training being the most dificult and the Unova Co-op challenge).

Another issue is that pokemon that arent Strike class (fist icon) are useless on co-op, because those are a DPS race, if you

now the question is: Will there be a FF7 PS5 console with the EX-Ultra Verison?

It depends on who is..... if its a line to meet people like Miyamoto or Toriyama (i know he doesnt like to atend public shows and when he does it is all hiden and no photos), hell yeah ill wait.

If you read the mini intro of the splafest, you can see that Pearl called “Article 4 of the splafest rules”, Meaning that the winnig side will decide how Inktopolis will be ruled, she even asks Marina to start thinking how will she rule, in case her team wins.

Besides that we don´t know if it will be for another DLC

They are making a mess out of this situation.... I can accept a “no, we won’t allow any past games Pokemon in the new series, but we will make sure you will be able to get them all in the next games as a fresh start”. I can live with that, and give a nice rest to my +15 years Pokemon.

ohhh i remember when i reached that part.... i was like “WTF No!” not my best healer... then, i remembered Chrono Trigger and tough “I can bring her back”, that gave me hope..... a false hope. Plus the mistery of the “Holy Materia” that fell from her hair was never solved.

Last year i had the chance to play the arcade game, it was during the lauch of the special mission with Ultra Instinct Goku. The game is simple, but damn it is addictive, you a card each game (100 yen each game), the quality of the cards is great but the fun part is doing the mechanics of each one (mosty swiping on

Is the gameplay like mega man 7 or 8? Meaning doest feel slow?

Thats because the remaining Gold Saints, after the Sanctuary Battle, used their blood to repair the shattered Bronze Cloths (hence the new design too).

Its simple math.. the big team will have less matches against the small team, Ketchup could have won 1000 but lost 2000, so each win for Mayo had more weight.

We all know that Squid sisters will easily beat those 2.... Put Callie on her “hidden” suit (waiting for the new amiibo of those 2) and win.

Congratulations USA, you are slowly becoming a 3rd world country in politics...

you get a lot of background by reading the Illustration books.... about how Inafune “complains” about the new project leaders, how the others started to take over the series and he moved to a more supervisor role.

Burning Crusade gave “closure” to the Illidian plot, to move to the awesome chapter of Frozen Throne...then all things started to go down.

Nah...as some dude exposed below or up (dunno, depends where this post gets located, look for amb post), Nintendo has cash to back up the company (Wii really gave them lots of cash, add Pokemon and some hits they had with the Wii U) so no near bankruptcy for now.

Actually... if i payed attention to what the presenter said, you can’t catch pokemon with the apple watch app.

That creepy moment when the announcer sounds like a male GlaDOS.... is the new Playstation going to murder me or give false cake?

someone at Sony loves apple´s naming techniques

On a side note: These looks awful if you are running on metal, please use open gl.

This was the most epic moment.....