
No, it won’t

How on earth are they only able to wring 236 HP out of a 2.5l 4 banger plus 2 electric motors? Are the electric motors from a remote control toy?

hmmmm maybe?

Melted bar of soap styling, Kermit the Frog headlights, no sense of proportion or balance....... yech

First: Bite your tongue. The RS2000 is amazing, and stunning to look at.

In the modern era, nothing comes close to topping the first gen Toyota Mirai for sheer design ineptitude. The fact that this car exists is a modern marvel. How this monstrosity escaped a modern, Fortune 500 design studio and the literal hundreds of sets of eyes that make decisions about how a car should look is beyond

I hate it with my entire heart and my entire soul. I’ve dedicated a small portion of myself strictly to hating it. “Oh you should be more positive it’s just a truck lol I tow my boat with one it’s actually really good” I do not care. It’s disgusting. It’s an amalgamation of every single evil thing that humans have

Agree. That oil cap told me everything I needed to know. 

Before I clicked through to the article with bigger pictures and a bit of description, I was thinking, “Seems like a fair price, but I’d have to do research.”

No. This is just not the collector Bullitt. For a few dollars more than 43k I would rather have the 2019 or so Bullitt model with 460hp and ac seats. 

The particularly low landing

Consumers are finally getting the hint and reacting. Recession is going to fuck dealerships and I can’t wait.

now if they’d only pull out of Ukraine...

This is the perfect car to meet girls.

So a top aide to Meadows is a leftist? Bizarro world you live in. 

from tRump’s bowels to your mouth, deplorable.

The driver had the opportunity to deny this happened. He did not deny it.

You still support this treasonous bastard? You should be ashamed. Unless you are a bootlicking fascist then... carry on.

This!!!! Fuckin’ this!!!!