
Pontiac Catalina has entered the chat.

Quick, everyone vote this one up so that the Jalopnik guys can’t do a slideshow because they are too busy puking!

Dodge Charger/Challenger. 

The Jeep wrangler.
Yes, it is blisteringly competent off road. It’s an absolute trail beast. Jeep sells it as a freedom trail mountain machine, but what it’s buyers actually use it for isbutch Miata.” When 85+% of your trail beasts never see anything more challenging than a gravel driveway, it’s a total flop.

If I recall correctly, I think the Borrego also debuted when gas guzzling SUV’s were falling out of favor because of high fuel prices. I think it got like 15 city/20 highway mpg with the V8. Only lasted two model years, 2008-09. 

Customer - “What’s the daily rental cost for the Shelby”

well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition

or will the all-electric Vette be something else entirely?”

In fact, it’s one of the best looking 7 Series models the company has ever built.”

Push button ignition is IMHO, one of the best things to ever happen to cars.

A spare tire standard. That goop stuff is the standard in most cars now and you then have to buy a spare tire kit. There’s generally space for both, but they are only doing that to cut a little bit of weight and cost. Today’s public announcement, be sure to check your rental for a real spare too, as they too will skip

Cheap and easily replaceable round headlights.

It’s a promising start, but the space agency has plenty of work to do, given that 90% of its astronauts are white.

I’m ready for a full BEV Maverick.

Maverick Plug-In

Indeed. As unsafe as it was, this kind of thing ruled.

The really insane thing is they actually change hands for decent money now, and were doing so before Covid. It’s the *perfect* vehicle for boomers retiring in warmer states, and they didn’t make a whole lot of them.

Aren’t they all driven by Karens?

Tesla stock valuation is why all car companies have an EV agenda now.