
Oh God yes, just reading this gave me anxiety!

That will only happen if Hillary decides last minute to run. She’ll push Bernie out of the primaries and all we’ll be hearing about are “her emails” for the next 20 months of our miserable lives.

1 year later they’ll release an “All New Drive-Train” with 4% more hp and 9% more tq, cause Subaru

F**k Subaru’s concepts. How many friggin times will they show us an amazing looking concept and then release a toyota corolla. Getting really sick of their shit!

Don’t forget; Along with a corresponding charging network

The Reagan Bush sticker killed it for me.

Even better

Probably making it even less reliable.

They did but it was referred to as a ‘sinhole’

Good move, I bet that camry lives on somewhere....

Because the price is kind of on par but even if it was $1000 I wouldn’t waste my $. This car is going to have and probably already has issues, major issues.

I’m going with CP on this. My first car was a 1995 New Yorker with this exact same engine and transmission. While it was decently quick, it was probably the least reliable car on the road at the time. That car went through 3 transmissions and multiple random engine stalls were common as well.

Nope, this looks at least 15 years old

Something something e30

I’d typically shun someone for talking like this but after this abomination I might be on board with this idea.

Driving something like this is one thing but having to tell people you actually paid $ for it is another. CP

Dude, seriously.  The plight!

Yep, didn’t watch the video, at work :(

Looks like the cop approached the intersection too quickly and maybe saw the tractor trailer, hence why he has his brakes on before he turns, but realized his ABS wasn’t enough to stop so he decided the turn right and gun it but that literally didn’t help.

Maybe it’s that they see him as a great ambassador to the religion/church that they literally treat him like pure gold.  He might really like that kind of attention and sticks around...IDK.