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    While trying not to doze off during the second half of the film, I couldn't help thinking that maybe the Joker scenes would be less tonally off if they weren't so heavily edited, and if we actually had more time to get into it. On other hand, the scenes remaining were so cringe it felt like a blessing that there

    I don't agree with this. The issue with the film was that it was badly written and, more importantly, horribly edited. The film is nonsensical because it makes no sense in its own universe; the characters have lackluster motivations and relationships (aside from Harley and Floyd), the pacing is totally off, and it

    my issue with sherlock is that moffat seems to really enjoy fucking with fans, and not in a fun way (with the exception of the sherlock/moriarty kiss). so a lot of time is invested in basically dangling the possibility of john/sherlock and then being like "jk no homo!". though i don't have any strong feelings about

    effects be damned, when the actors are that good it's more than enough to make the movie good as well. (though in my opinion, dofp was far superior)

    i personally don't see anything wrong with actors endeavoring to do more than just act, and so what if they do? i don't actually know any actors who go into music just to make money or be more famous or whatever. they just like to do more than one thing. if the fame they earned acting helps them sell records… well,

    missy was like a second rate moriarty, cybermen have been overused, and the humans in this episode were incredibly annoying and insignificant. on the other hand, danny sending the boy back and clara and the doctor's goodbye was top notch stuff. not to mention that horrific empty space where the coordinates led the

    that opening scene was top notch, i love the metaphor of clara, a time
    traveler, being trapped in a moment of time (it's also a interesting twist on the "fixed points in time" thing). you didn't mention it, but the scene where we find out that danny killed a young boy was really, really good. it was both

    "tyger, tyger, burning bright, in the forests of the night, what
    immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?" (come on… not
    even a mention of this??)

    this was quite a good episode until the half hour mark where things fell apart into melted, inconsistent, and ridiculous cheese, moffat-style. clara sending the doctor "home"? i liek the gaia-esque concept to a degree, but it just became ridiculous as the plot went on, especially the simple and easy way everything

    oh damn i totally missed that, thanks! i'm going to edit it actually, it's a pet peeve of mine too (especially when it's my mistake!)

    great episode! not as good as last week's, but very enjoyable. however, am i the only one totally disinterred in the missy storyline? they could drop it and i couldn't care less. kind of tired of the moffat-style arcs about quirky villains, and missy as a character so far really grates me.

    i've said this before, but capaldi is such a good change as the doctor. someone who ultimately works for a "greater good", but does so in a decidedly unheroic way.
    it's much more realistic; the doctor isn't a time traveling superman,
    he's a jaded soldier seeking distraction and chaotic peace.

    the jelly babies killed me. terrific episode, i couldn't find a fault at all, capaldi was fabulous, clara was on point, and all the supporting characters were engaging and well written/acted. after last week's (in my opinion) disaster/shitfest, i was ever so glad to be able to love doctor who once more. this is the

    yeah, it was handled strangely. i guess we can't know whether it was there intentionally, but it still, as you said, made me uncomfortable in the way it was dealt with. glad i'm not the only one who didn't like this!

    i agree with you about it being cynical - in my opinion it was just further insult having 3 women make the decision, because it implies that there is some kind of "objective" decision that should be made (for a matter that should be 100% up to the woman carrying the fetus in the first place)

    absolute shit. the courtney thing was so rushed and unnecessary. clara's outburst was pretty ridiculous - i'm not saying the doctor was completely in the right, but her rant left me praying that this is the last time she walks through the tardis doors. also, am i the only one who noticed the anti-abortion overtones

    i really liked that they didn't explain what was under the bed sheet. it enhanced the surreal dream-like quality of the episode. not everything has to be explained. but that's just me.

    good point. i remember re-watching the 10th doctor stuff and thinking to myself how people are dropping like flies in nearly every episode. good on the writers of this episode to create something dark and emotional without having to kill someone.

    the off-beat and quiet atmosphere of this episode totally got me. don't get me wrong, i love the whole running-around-madly thing, but the restraint here let the plot shine. capaldi and coleman got to work with some great material (finally!) that actors of their caliber deserve.
    the simple idea at the core of this

    i agree yeah, i really enjoyed that actually, but was distracted by the river-being-amy's-daughter shit. i retract the last bit of my original statement, basically everyone commenting on here is right haha