Less-labor intensive? The purpose isn’t to make art easier, it’s to steal their work altogether and push them away - which they are already doing. Making their labor obsolete is just another pro-corporate convenience.
May he please represent himself.
Don’t play gachas lol
$520k only 8 years ago? And they can’t flip it due to what is effectively cosmetic?
Can’t we just watch Ronin?
When the Xbox was first being pitched to Gates, they infamously informed him that it would be a loss leader for a long time to come, but their goal was to be the center piece in many people’s entertainment centers. Gates decided that he was willing to tolerate no more then 7 billion dollars loss wise from the Xbox…
That’s not why this is relevant. Pantone does not “own” RGB values, they own a standardized color system that is, well...standart in almost every visual graphics company and software all over the world. The also make ink. Specific colors that are not reproducible in a regular CMYK setting. Some brands can only have…
For people who refuse to understand the issue here, ill try to aproach it from another angle
Well, I don’t think it’s a big deal in the slightest, and was just writing up a lighthearted thing that keeps coming up in our Slack. I’m dreadfully sorry this ruined your day.
And that’s why they’re *still* doing the minimum.
I work for a small weekly newspaper that was bought by a large international media organization.
I love that this is what you’re mad about and not the fact that Kiwifarms has literally caused people to commit suicide. “Killing people is no biggie, but how DARE YOU try and inconvenience a company!”
Yes, let’s come up with new DRM five years into a console’s lifecycle, without any involvement from Nintendo, intended to run on a console which already has optimization problems. I’m sure you’ll see a tremendous return on that investment.
words are fun.i love language and the way it changes overtime. that’s part of the reason i got into writing in the first place. that and edgar allan poe
no one forced me to lower- or uppercase my byline. i asked if it was possible and was told it doesn’t matter so it’s a deliberate choice :)
it me, i use sussy ^^
What about people who are falsely accused and spend decades in jail? People of color who are still locked up, even though it has been clear they didn’t commit any crimes?
I only believe in what my religion tells me is acceptable, said someone on the internet which isn’t mentioned in any scripture.