
Haha! “Corps Peau Rate” That’s “Body Skin Spleen” in French. It’s amusing already!

Looks like someone learned from the Treehouse

This is one of the first games I ever beat (got this and Mario Land one Christmas, I beat this but not Mario until years later). Kirby will always hold a special place in my heart and remains my favorite Nintendo character (coincidence that Daisy is a very close runner up?)

Look at this shit. Here's 2K's guide on how to run the game in "fullscreen"

Now playing

mandatory video for any Elder Scroll mod article.

Now we know what Mario Maker will be used for. Yikes.

Dear Gabe,

This really should've been called "The Legend of THIEF".

They chose the exact same pose/look at the statue that came with Wind Waker HD Collector's edition, looks very similar...

While Minish Cap is loads better than the DS abominations I still think it's an incredibly weak Zelda title and doesn't, in anyway, dethrone Link's Awakening for handheld Zelda games. And it sure as hell doesn't even come close to A Link to the Past, which can also be played on GBA.

I just recently replayed both Oracle games (Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons), and they are just a delight. They feel a bit ahead of their time on the Gameboy Color. Large sprites for bosses, great story (especially if you play both), and the linked game mechanic was great.

I replayed it last week and confirm that it's not bad and in fact is an excellent game.

I vastly, vastly prefer Link's Awakening over all other handheld Zelda games. Handheldas?

A Link Between Worlds. Bar none the best handheld Zelda, and possibly a contender for the best Zelda game period. Really no other game comes close, even Minish Cap.

Good pick. Definitely torn between this, Link's Awakening and A Link Between Worlds.

The best handheld Zelda is the first. Link's Awakening. Play the color version if you must, but it really doesn't matter. It's a fantastic game.

You misspelled Link's Awakening.