
I feel like I fulfill a good portion of my religious duties, but last night my friend and I tried to make a list of all of our sexual partners. Mine is well over 30, and I don't think the God that I believe in gives a shit.

Video fail. Damn you Grammys and your copyright fickleness.

I would fuck anything right about now.

Girls not getting friendzoned as much? My entire dating life is me being friendzoned! Heck two weeks ago this guy I was dating gave me the friendzone talk!

I care less about the cat hair than I do the hipsters, techies, and burners that will likely make up the bulk of its clientele.

The rage and terror the moment a vacuum was brought into a room full of cats would be amazing to witness.

the hair and the smell..oh god like one of those places you just walk past and the whole block reeks.

Most cat owners keep the litterboxes as far as possible from the living room. Doesn't seem to matter.

My eyes are watering and my throat is closing up just thinking about it.

It goes without saying that Lisa Ann has been a long-time fan of the 'Pokes.

You, dear woman, are clearly doing it exactly right. More sex, less diets.

Hauschka might never have made this crucial decision if not for Carroll's new team motto, Do Your Job, Except For You, Steven Hauschka, No One Here Wants To See You On The Field Anyway So Why Don't You Just Sit The Hell Back Down Already.

I've never been on a single diet, and I've slept with hellofalot more than 8 men. Sheesh.

...There's a chance everyone in this thread could get banned.

  • Dodge & Burn, $10,000 for a decent photograph of anything

Orange Tabby Is the New Black.


That Joan Rivers tweet was completely disgusting. What an awful thing to say.