
The cost of the plane is one thing ( I found a 1980 747 for $1,500,000), but the operating costs, jet-A fuel at roughly $5 a gallon, this plane burns a gallon per second, that is roughly $18,000 per hour in fuel alone, not counting airport fees, maintenance, annual inspection fees, the list goes on and on. That is a

Cows milk is for baby cows. And remember the next time you have that tall glass of milk: There are federally allowable levels of blood and puss in it.

I love these cars. I’ve owned one, and driving it was one of the best driving experiences. When Germany was building these the american competition was heavy, live rear axle, drum brake tanks only good for the long straight roads of the Midwest.

Picking up a hitchhiker by pulling over in your truck and telling them to hop in the back. Hell just riding in the back of an open pickup. We did that all the time back then.

One of the things that worked for Clarkson on Top Gear was he simply assumed he’s right and everyone else is wrong. End of story. This is great on the show, and his in writings about cars, but when his writing or speaking roam into territory he nothing nothing about he often ends up stepping into a pile of dung which

Yeah, But wasn’t Abraham like in his 90s when he was circumcised? Also what dies this have to do with back seat to a Chrysler?

So they pulled out of the US market so they could go make cool stuff?

I’m with you on the first part, but the part about lanesplitting is ignorant at best. If a person is willing to take the risk of using a bike for transportation they should be able to enjoy the benefits that come with that risk. If you’re jealous that they are moving while you sit there in traffic go get a bike and

If the video of drunken a-hole beating on an Uber driver doesn’t show the kind of person he really is, the law suit certainly does.

So what the BBC is trying to do is as if NBC tried to keep the Seinfeld show going by replacing all the characters with new actors, none of which happen to be comedians, and writing the show by committee.

I'll be willing to bet that even with pay cuts they will still be payed more Tesla workers.

The question is why can’t America build a decent motorcycle?

As an owner of a vintage 124 spider, I'd say it would be interesting to see how it would have looked had they handed the styling over to Pinnan Farina. All the same I'm happy to see the return of the spider. Had they never dropped it from the lineup it could have been something similar to the Mustang of Europe. It's

It’s a Florida tag.... who would have guessed she was from Florida.

Time lapse TIG, I think slo-mo would have been better.

I think what the wingsuit jet-pack is lacking is being able to take off under its own power, and being able land without the aid of a parachute. If you’re going to allow the wingsuit in this line-up why not powered hang gliders or powered parafoils? They can at least land a take off under their own power.

I like the specs. I love light nimble cars. will this actually come to the US?

I’m still waiting to see 300 mile range in an EV the price of a Honda civic. Until then all this is just rich people showing off how environmentally friendly they are by purchasing a car that costs as much as my house, while they heat or cool their 10,000 square foot glass homes and bitch about how the underclass is

It looks like Tesla is a modern day Duesenberg. Will they never make an affordable car?

If you can afford the car you have a nice garage to park it in. With a high ceiling hopefully.