
Why does it always have to be taxes? is there anyway we can allow people to sell their unused carbon credits on the open market in cap and trade carbon marketplace? Iyou burn very little fuel you make money, if you burn a lot you buy credits to cover yourself. Making money is always an easier way to get people to

I've had the misfortune of renting these things (minus the intierior "upgrade") and the last thing a versa needs is few hundred pounds of swanky inteierior.

if you design a car with certain parameters (2 seats, hatch back, light and efficient, no to mention numerous safety regulations), then after you set the parameters put it in a wind tunnel and let that design the shape it's going to look like every other car designed the same way. I still think credit needs to be

I think he's amish, and has filled the transmission with fresh milk and is in the process of making butter. Old world uses for new world items #23.

He couldn't have been drunk, all he was drinking was beer. Vodka is for After work.

I've had this happen before. The first time I had new tires put on my car and the shop didn't torque the lug nuts, the second time it was my own fault. even if you have all your work done at a shop this can still happen. Both times I managed to find (or borrow from other wheels) enough lug nuts to get the wheel back

60k?! Cut that in half and they might sell few. Bikes are suppose to be the poor man's sports car. I can't see people with enough money to throw down for one of these actually doing it.

Back in 2002 I was laid off, so to make ends meet I was buying and selling antiques. I bought an old Dodge van-pool 12 seat van from a friend for $750 and used it for the next 2 years hauling around furniture. Some guy who'd lost his license due to a DUI rear ended me while stopped in traffic (He was drunk this time

When the robots attack the people in driverless cars will be the frost to die.

I'd like to add my 73 Fiat spider. Small, no storage space, parts are unavailable, you can't escape the wind noise, and no AC. Fun around town, but hell on a long road trip. I took it from San Francisco to L. A., down I5 one year in the summer and swore never again.

It's not ford drivers it's any truck running duals. Most of the times I see these things in parking lots they are parked across two spaces.

And this is a bad thing? I say keep up the good work.

My old neighborhood I earned a litter more than most of my neighbors, so I got no complaints. I recently married and moved into my wife's house where I think I must be he lowest earner in the neighborhood. There are no oil spots on the street in front of any of these houses! There aren't even oil spots on any of the

My mother is long gone, but for my wife? I'll stop complaining about her Avalon for a day.

I learned to drive in the mid 70s and beetles were everywhere. As a student on a budget Beetles where cheap, easy to maintain and repair (You would see the manual written for the complete idiot on every coffee table). you could remove the engine with a few scissors jacks, and then one person could carry it to bench to

A year or so ago my BMW 2002 had a loud drive-line whine. I couldn't tell if it was coming from the transmission (possible culprit as I'd just bolted in a used 5 speed), center bearing on the drive shaft, or the rear end. I had my son drive while I moved my smart-phone up and down the drive-line using the decibel

That's kinda odd. This song is the first thing I thought of when reading this story. On the beach was one of my favorite young young albums.

I see the occasional Supra on the road here in California. I'd love to have one , but even now they still out of my price range.

I think it's a changing world, and we're just going to learn to deal with it. There is no one reason the new generation isn't interested in cars. Hell I'm not interested in the latest crop of affordable cars. I grew up in the 60s and 70s when racing was where car manufacturers showed off their technical prowess. Win

Except when you're sitting behind her at a traffic light and its been green for ages.