Couple of things to look out for stability wise:
Couple of things to look out for stability wise:
Scumbag smetlivy shoots at fishing boat captain, misses.
I should have bought lottery tickets today >_>;
Russian ships can barely maneuver, so being “on a collision course” could have been as simple as being anchored.
I’m not sure which is more disturbing. The fact that some people are willing to fight their government or the fact that others are ok with said government dropping bombs on the house next door.
Agreed, but it shouldn’t shield the cops from being held responsible for their own actions. Otherwise shooting the hostage will become a standard procedure.
Its nothing to laugh about. Have you seen what’s behind those walmarts?
Could just be an easter egg.
I think this article is spot on about everything.
Violations of Russian airspace have lead to American aircraft being shot at and destroyed. Meanwhile the Russians think nothing of entering others airspace or buzzing our carriers.
Wait, is this a rescue helicopter or an unrelated helicopter?
I know next to nothing about the Iranian airforce except for the fact that they managed to get F-14’s into the air.
On one hand I’m happy to see that someone still flies F-14’s.
About the pep boys thing.
It’s not safe to fly because They over stressed it to a point where they can’t be sure it won’t break on a future flight. Not all damages are readily apparent in such a complex machine and no one will sign off once they know the warranty is void