
I’d argue that “the game” isn’t necessarily “the ip”.
Millions buy halo based on name even tho the gameplay hasn’t changed much in the last decade (and its forever crap...). Something like Rocket League has to prove itself where Rocket League 3 will be a known quantity. The sequel is benefitting from the prior games

Its a donation you’re making.
The reward is the ship of your dreams plus a big universe to use it in. If it was a normal MMO I’d say you were shaving weeks off the leveling/farming process for a head start. Up to you if that’s worth the price of what you bought.

I was one of those guys, still playing destiny.

Air power wouldn’t hurt.
Fore warned is fore armed, and having a drone or helicopter or something overhead and armed is a good way to find attackers before they can setup a shot.

I suspect Israel has alot less overhead than the US does in these affairs.


I dunno, its pretty ingenious so far as assassinations go.
If it was more spectacular then wouldn’t that have defeated the whole point?

You can tell the engine isn’t really optimized for this, with the grass growing every time he stops.

I wonder why they choose 25mm over 20mm when it means less ammunition in a weapon they never intended to use. Wouldn’t the existing inventory of m61 be cheaper?

Because what you are seeing is a miniature version of the Cold War.

I wonder how things like microsoft’s hololens compare to this.

Maybe because it mirrors the part of the human experience we like to think about.
You were a weak and naive child, but you became strong and wise adult.

The west has a fascination with the hero’s journey because it’s easy to tell the tale from humble start to heroic finish, as was done in Star Wars.
A more confusing tale of the hero’s downfall, as what was done in episode III, is a more difficult one to relate.

The only way to top the awesomeness of a C-130 flying boat is to make it AC-130 flying boat.

If I recall, ps1 games needed to use ps1 memory when in a ps2 (I never owned a PS3 so I can’t speak to their compatibility). Many Xbox games worked in Xbox 360, but some were buggy and others an entire no-go.

I’d imagine there’s licensing issues even if there weren’t technical issues to begin with.
I think its a big step forward from where they were.

This equipment was kept operational for longer than a half century where most of its relatives either met the torch, rusted to death, or got shipped off to other countries. It seems the neighbors knew about it the whole time too.

I think something happened with the project overall.

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Actually they’ve said they have enough to deliver as it is (albeit at a less ambitious pace).
People are making donations which helps to keep things moving quickly and allows the developers to do additional stuff, like entirely rewriting the network code. For their donations the players get early access and special