Its the right idea but the program seems stuck in production hell. As a result it seems we’re trying to sell aircraft people can’t afford, can’t fly, and won’t be able to deploy effectively.
Its the right idea but the program seems stuck in production hell. As a result it seems we’re trying to sell aircraft people can’t afford, can’t fly, and won’t be able to deploy effectively.
I’m hoping people can see this shiat show for what it is now.
Its not about the moral high ground. Its about covering ones ass.
This seems like an incredibly bad idea.
I’m wondering what the delay was.
People want these vehicles and the government could stand to get some money back. Its not like they’re any less safe than the millions of truck and jeeps already out there.
How they handled this when I was a kid: “Now class, turn to page 27 and make a note to ignore the farking third arm. Any lil’shiat who speaks of this again is doing laps round the campus. ”
This makes me wonder about the projects viability.
Both shuttles were reusable payload fairings. Problem is the reuse of an SRB is terribly expensive. You have to drag the unit in for refurbishing and then transport the fully fueled unit back to the pad. A liquid fueled rocket is just an empty can and much easier and safer to move around.
What we need is the…
How many people would spend money on a pipboy and then not wear it in public? None.
Multiple endings: for $5 DLC, Aeris LIVES!!
The price is steep... but it IS a customizable pc compatible and button remappable microsoft made control pad.
I’ll withhold my judgement till I’ve fondled one.
It’s done out of expedience.
This is quick and dirty animation. No time for scribbling in minor features that most people won’t notice anyway.
I think it’s a question everyone knows the answer to. Violent people will find a way to get weapons and tools even if the law prohibits it. The laws only provide a false comfort to the public while the police, knowing better, remain heavily armed.
Budget cuts and pentagon nefariousness.
If you want a new hull that’s already out of production then you’ve got to spend billions rebuilding the factory. Which then begs the question of why you don’t spend the same money building more of an in production aircraft, like the F-35.