So... can we boycott Zenimax NOW?
(We've been waiting for weeks, lets get it on already)
Depends on the nature of the punishment.
There are nine words in this headline... you know what that means?
I'm afraid that one just doesn't do it for me. The true chocobo fan prefers the XI riding theme.
I don't see why its their decision what the army does.
Either the Air Force flies the missions you need or you let someone else fly them, but the job has to get done. We can't spend billions trying to engineer another multirole dogfighter, or just as much on a rotary wing "bomber" for the army, so simply drop the…
They buy "multi-role" jets that specialize in dogfighting to a point where they're no longer compatible with the duties of a bomb truck. Having a multirole dogfighter also hasn't gotten us out of the expense of buying specialized interceptors. However trucking accounts for the vast majority of the missions that need…
The endgame of most terror groups is to form a state, and they don't seem to care who they kill in the process or where it ends up being located. They want the money, power, and legitimacy that comes from being a nation (and getting some oil or other resources never hurts future war planning).
Either the A-10NAW or A-7F would have been a fine choice for bomb truck, but the problem remains that the Air Force wanted another purebred fighter. They've always believed that CAS is a secondary duty not worthy of interceptor pilots.
I think the real solution is to remove all ground attack functions from the Air…
Personally, I don't have alot of faith in unmanned aircraft as a mainstay. They have their place doing the dirty work, but anything that depends on remote control is just tempting fate against your technologically capable peers. Its still untested tech.
I also think that, with the US inevitably culling its hornet…
I don't think its an unreasonable "what if" tho.
Disasters happen, economies crash, politics can turn ugly. If the world worked in predictable ways then they wouldn't be in the market for a new warmachine.
Mainly because this isn't the decision for the now, its a decision that will decide things for decades to come. Its never a good idea to base your military strength on a neighboring state (amicable as Canada is with the US, no one can predict twenty years ahead), but when you do so you want the most advanced thing you…
A stable 30 is impressive under the circumstances.
The actual frame rate is a game design issue (some dev's argue for more, some argue for less, everyone has their opinions) but the fact that you can use the cloud to compensate for the load is the key takeaway.
Problem is it leaves them with no cards in the Gen5 game, and setting off the F-35's domino chain only makes the problem worse (and strains political alliances) as other nations enter that club.
You know what would be nice?
If they made that rerelease they teased for PS3 a million years ago instead of continuing to tease us with minigames.
Doom and Quake used to be about unparalleled graphics and gameplay. The thing you upgraded your rig to play. That spirit has been mostly missing during the console era.
The bulbous nose houses a massive radar (its based on an all weather bomber), and its full of additional jamming equipment. So I'd wager they're operating all these things from the rear seats.
I believe the probe is for refueling.
It's not like there was a problem for them use cars as bombs before.
The big difference is now you have a computer which may or may not be enabled to detect suspicious use, and likely costs alot more than a human driver, and has the users name and address on file (along with any photos the cameras taken) plus the…
There's got to be a better way to contract out the work or something.
This sort of business is a nightmare for the employees and certainly isn't helping advance the art.