The FAA is getting antsy because it knows how powerful drones are as a surveillance tool, and its only now realized that this technology has been in civilian hands for decades.
The FAA is getting antsy because it knows how powerful drones are as a surveillance tool, and its only now realized that this technology has been in civilian hands for decades.
I'll be the dissenting voice and say it could be done, and it could be humans vs drones, and it could be good.
Its the same thing really. The government is made up of people, and people are fallible.
Especially when those people are given a badge and the benefit of a doubt in court.
Skip the first three minutes... and miss the greatest faceplant of this launch season?!
I think he's complaining that it wasn't a first person modern shooter set in a dusty -istan country.
The Viking and the Prowler are two aircraft that should never have been retired. While the MV-22 offers unique capabilities, long range fixed wing just isn't a place it competes. No sense wasting Osprey time (which is better spent on runs to the middle of nowhere) on regular snack deliveries to carriers. The Viking…
Too old.
She might be able to play Sailor Moon's mom tho.
Normally "she was drunk" is all it takes to explain why a woman has somehow lost her clothes...
I think the idea is that you can have your soldiers in a tank or helicopter, which is a more formidable place to be sitting than the cab of a delivery truck. Better still, overwatch the convoy with a drone so you have both lethal force and no troops exposed.
Driving with thumbsticks... I guess its a kind of joystick.
Before you could play titanfall, you watched titanfall. Now everyone is playing titanfall.
I don't think its had time to become a gaming staple yet so I wouldn't judge it like an e-sport. Lets see how it progresses after some DLC (and if it gets sequels).
True, but they were build to be abused and tolerances and flaws on these things are probably very well known after all this time. Plus I've got no doubt they service the hell out of them.
Same as with the ship itself, there's no time for it to corrode between the sanding and painting sessions.
Nothing crazy about keeping good stuff around. All those expensive fighters can't do the job anyway.
If they could somehow 3d print out a bunch of new prowlers and intruders, carrier crews probably wouldn't mind it one bit.
We cannot allow an underwater-rifle gap.
4/1.... and yet I want to believe.
The question is "how" to throw money into it. Kickstarter only gets you so much, and having an IPO means inviting a bunch of people into the mix that expect you to make a profit tomorrow... Which is a problem when you're maybe a year or three away from delivery.
Facebook basically handed them cash and said "proceed…
They could shoot out transformers and cause just as much havoc.
Besides, if you can get the turbine up to a thousand feet then the chances of anyone getting a clean shot (with a tracer or something that could ignite it) are minimized.
You mean the "parts" they have to buy from "suppliers" so they can "manufacture" goggle kits?
Yea, you can run out of those and it can prevent you from filling out orders.