Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.

It's a little easier to hide if you can grow a beard, as opposed to transwomen who have to get hair lasered off. It's certainly cheaper to transition in that direction.

I think M to F face more outright disapproval/bigotry, so they probably drink more than F to M.

Don't you know it's only in America that we have teh ghey? Or so ilos apparently thinks.

PASSAGE was the first thing I thought of when seeing this headline.

I remember seeing this on VHS back in the day. It was shown at cons in 82 and 83 to great excitement.

I was in a car wreck, and was sitting too far back to faceplant the airbag (Kids: don't try this at home). Everything seemed to sloooow dowwwn. I remember seeing the airbag inflating and deflating and thinking "Looks just like on Mythbusters". And then, of course, the shoulder harness locked up and knocked the wind

That DID NOT HAPPEN... la la la, I can't HEAR YOU!

If by "all" you mean "my girly bits", yep.

This must be the one they've been schlepping around to cons. In which case I'm glad to have sat in it for free at Worldcon.

Potentially the worst thing ever.

Most places, that comes under "assault". If he actually touched anyone, it's battery.

For some reason, the part I laughed at the most was how they just "fancified" the line "Laugh it up, fuzzball".

Me too. Time to pee, buy more snacks, or just stretch your legs and get off your butt.

The movie "Poltergeist".

Nooooo! Never stop the snark! Just b/c some actor gets his panties in a bunch is no reason to stop being funny.

Hell yes. It's like the cocaine of grade school.

Shouldn't the Iron Pants come up to just under (or maybe partly over) the arc reactor light?

She was pretty eager to go to Man's World! ;)

I'm with ya. You hold them down and I'll shave them and we'll both laugh.

I agree with both of you. Ye gods, dystopia is DULL and I think we've just about rung all the changes.