Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.

Since people stopped being able to do math and realize that the First Century went from 1-99?

"Tinker's damn" is the real phrase. "Cuss" is only used by people who get the vapors and clutch pearls at the word "damn".

The phrase is actually "tinker's damn". Tinkers swore so much that their cursing wasn't terribly effective.

I think so too. It will be an epic fight of badness.

That is the 1) the best comeback ever 2) the moment when I knew I was going to love Firefly for ever and ever.

But Leia's comeback in the next movie is really the better retort, and funnier, when she flips it around on him.

Thank God I live in heathen/atheist California, where you can buy beer, wine, and liquor everywhere, on every day (except between 2-6 AM, which actually seems kinda reasonable — if you can't survive those hours without buying more, you have a problem).


And the cheek scar.

Nah, she doesn't go outdoors and she doesn't eat seafood (She's a very odd kitty).

Despite (or maybe because of) the low budget, the TV show is still my favorite.

You're so vain, you probably think this comment's about you.

I believe you mean it's a BORING STUPID woman's take on an Earth invasion story.

The first sentence of the third paragraph says right there that it's revealed in tomorrow's episode.

"multiple lengthy Lincoln-on-Lincoln"

And what about the other people in the world who aren't obsessed with winning this contest? What does their culture look like? They must have one.

I was going to ask that. How much did he know right off the top of his head? Probably most of it, in general outline anyway, if I know geeks.

And you didn't believe the Boomers when they said you'd feel exactly the same way someday, did you?

I would LOVE if it rained shrimp and ziti!

Love it. I hope they get my cat doing the same thing someday. You saved the image for posterity, right? In case next time kitty isn't there.