
Listen to this person, they know what they’re on about.

Ok, but have you been to Ohio?

This is some excellent knowing of things

This is the political equivalent of a boyfriend saying they could murder you if they wanted, but they love you so they’d never do that.

My doctor wanted to say it was for an endocrine disorder at first too, i think it’s how they normally get around the abysmal trans coverage in most of the country. But in CA, the law is they have to cover it for trans peeps or they can’t have an insurance company!

If you get insurance through a company based in California, they’ll pay for the hormones, the surgery, and 10k towards travel costs. Source: My company is based in California, I’m trans, and it only took me 20 minutes on the phone with Anthem to confirm the coverage.

Seconded so, so hard. I’ve been on HRT 4 months now and its absolutely like night and day.

Fellow North Carolinian here, I grew up in Raleigh, worked for the municipal government for four years right out of highschool and I know many of the people who operate “Raleigh”. They’re all very kind and accepting people, and Raleigh has been using contract amendments to prohibit this discrimination amongst city

Canadians sent the Biebs as revenge for all that... Their excessively polite hands have blood on them too!

It IS a subjective opinion. Even if there are scientific studies out there that prove a majority of people feel better in organized surroundings, it will not demonstrate that it holds true for every single person alive. Women are far more likely to have ovaries than men, yet there are still men with ovaries and women

You’re right, there IS no way I’m going to read any of the unread emails. Because they’re not important. Just like you don’t read the emails you filter out. We just have different filtering methods.

“It’s way less stressful” is an opinion based on your experiences, not a fact universal to all humans. Some people love order and clean looks. I personally can’t focus in such a sterile feeling environment. It feels like I’m trapped in some 1950s stepford nightmare when everything is clean and organized. There are

At present, my gmail account has 70720 unread emails, most of which is marketing fluff. My work address has 1691 unread emails in my live mailbox + 2561 in my archived folder and there’s ~500ish more between several client email addresses I’ve got assigned to me.

The private key for decrypting the data is on the device once you unlock it after coming back from a reboot. Your four digit PIN or lengthier password is the key. If you are using the fingerprint reader feature, it’s stored actively in memory the whole time, so that the phone can authenticate with it once your thumb

That’s not sexism, that’s pragmatism. Nobody cares if the janitorial staff is 50/50 women and men because they make no money and could easily be replaced. HR and Sales are not the secret sauce, they’re traditional jobs that could be done anywhere. They don’t have a salary premium like programming does(unless your

You totally should be optimistic. The federal government is fucking huge, it’s not one entity and some departments are even segregated internally. There’s nobody in charge of setting meaningful standards (FIPS is total bullshit), let alone enforcing them. Federal compliance standards tend not to apply to federal

The trick is to never talk to only one person, then you can switch after one or two seconds each while you’re talking. It can be three or four seconds if someone is talking, then look at someone else in the group and nod.

“Ask to join networks” is an absolutely mandatory security feature. Turning it off is literally asking to have your communications tapped without your notice. iOS prompting you is no panacea against you intentionally connecting to an AP that isn’t what you think it is, but at least prompting allows you to subject it

Simba lived in a tree for a few years and we just found out his life wouldn’t be free from gun violence if he was real.