
Ah yes, the ol’ “Some of my best hotties are black” defense. Fuck this guy. Or better yet, don’t.

fetus = / = baby

I was all set to star your comment but you wrote “irregardless.” No tip for you.

Misleading vividness fallacy. This incident represents what percentage of Uber transactions per year? How does this rate compare to the percentage of taxi drivers who behave criminally toward passengers? Anecdote = / = Trend

Alaska + Meth = Florida o’ the North

It’s a little more like “myuh.”

Bears! They’re just like us!

Let’s all stop indulging the fearmongering hacks at The Weather Channel with their bullshit "winter storm" names. Instead, join all the reputable meteorologists who point at TWC and and laugh at the absurd marketing ploy of naming weather.


Meredith Willson’s prophetic lyrics from The Music Man are relevant here.

“Epic Ass"

Judgy McJudgerson here is just mad about not being invited.

LOL at you pretending you control when others “move on” from considering an idea.

They should have booked Das Sound Machine for a set of songs about butts.

Some days, I’d take a punch in the face for free Nutella.