Nah, you're just writing silly things.
Nah, you're just writing silly things.
Other countries = / = U.S.A.
Repetitive blowharding about some fantasy solution is what's laughable. Nobody here suggested you "know nothing" or "can have no opinion on the subject." That complaint is a red herring mating with a straw man fallacy.
Like every day-to-day citizen, you ARE involved with policymaking…
I do not understand why you are "sorry." You do not seem to understand what the word "fact" means. Your claim about what I do and do not like is not a fact, it is an unsupported assumption. Fewer guns may result in fewer deaths by guns but "proven" is questionable until you can provide reputable scholarship or…
Welp, as the story unfolds we find the firearm owner was even more stupid than first imagined. She DID have a dedicated zipper compartment in her purse but she LEFT THE PURSE UNATTENDED IN WALMART. Carrying a firearm is like driving an automobile in that you cannot "leave it unattended" any more than you'd leave a…
You do not seem to understand what the word "reasoning" means. Your hyperbole is silly and contributes nothing to address the real issues underlying this news article.
I agree that a Level 3 holster is best. I suspect that dedicated zipper compartment was wide open and she was too distracted by her other three kids to notice the toddler was fishing around in her purse. Maybe the takeaway message here is don't have so many kids.
You missed that I was responding to a specific comment, not to everything you have rattling around in your angry head.
Your rants do not refute my observations.
Nowhere do I suggest anything is guaranteed.
To be fair, it's not a "moot point" to note that many innocents are killed by misuse of non-firearm equipment every day, and those victims outnumber and are just as dead as those killed by firearms. For example, "Cars weren't made for killing so we don't care enough about those dead kids to do anything" is a…
If we as a civilization truly cared about avoidable deaths we would also be calling for a national speed limit of 20 miles per hour. Compare avoidable deaths by firearm to avoidable deaths by automobile. Both could be prevented by changes in public policy. For example, enforcement of a mandatory 20 mph speed limit to…
As a Pennsylvania State Constable, I can describe several cases in which a person who carries a purse has been targeted by violent stalkers, including two cases in which a previous encounter resulted in a severe beating. That's who needs a goddamn gun in their purses. Was this woman in Walmart one of that sort? …
I suggest you review the word "most," then compare how many firearm owners make a mistake to the total number that comprises 51% of U.S. firearm owners. You'll discover the evidence does not support your premise.
It's not an argument, it's a suggestion that we avoid hyperbole as we address the issue. Your premises are flawed because a person is not a murderer until they murder, and not a rapist until they rape. A landmine is non-sentient and cannot be responsible or irresponsible. You equate a person who owns a firearm to a…
It's not quite a myth. Carrying a secure firearm DOES require significant attention to detail ALL THE TIME. It's like driving an automobile. You don't stop paying attention until it's parked with the keys in your pocket (comparable to firearm out of your holster and locked in a safe).
It would have to be a "perfect storm" situation but a safety lever could be dislodged due to repetitive movement if the pistol was just rattling around in a purse full of stuff. Many semiautomatic pistols do have sensitive triggers. If you MUST carry in a purse, use a DEDICATED ZIPPER COMPARTMENT and carry a…
Let's avoid hyperbole as we address this issue. Many thousands of firearm owners did no harm today. It's reasonable to assume a substantial number of those people have been responsible firearm owners.
GOD DAMN IT. If you cannot keep a firearm secure and under your control at all times, you should not own it.
The self-righteous promotion of their private parenting challenges is what I find distasteful.
I did not miss your point. Your point sucks.