
You thought the eagles were bad?

Tested a Rare game, and worked with many people who worked on various N64-Xbox Rare games: I can confirm they like dick and dark humor.

I still cannot believe that Nintendo published this. And that Microsoft republished it but with more censors. Ruined some of the jokes. Such a great game, learned so much when my parents bought this for me, not knowing what it was.

I set up an Origin account just for EA games. I bought Mass Effect Trilogy while a special sale was running on it, and I quickly requested a refund once I found out it had no controller support (something I hope they’ll change for the PC version of Andromeda). But I have to hand it to them — They refunded my money

Origin still does almost nothing but still has a large footprint. It’ll also conflict with games quite frequently. The last major issues I had with Origin were when I played SimCity a couple months ago. Always crashing randomly. Total nonsense.

Recently, out of curiosity, I went to Valve’s Glassdoor page to see the reviews, and noticed a few very negative ones over the past year. The general sentiment was that the company has grown too fast without considering how to make it work with their flat hierarchy, and their solution was an awful system where your

Kotaku is finally engaging in one of the stupidest things that Gawker produced.

All the millions they make and they cant hire a company to do the damn customer service for them? wtf are they doing anyway? since they are not developing games anymore...

So you’re saying you don’t have a smart phone?

They are very unrealistic, in fact many of the very few women who naturally have breast those size get breast reductions because of back problems. Women who surgically have their breast increased to those size often regret it because it often causes back problems.

Now that you mention it, I never noticed that I only knew that Jimmy Kimmel was famous and that I knew nothing he had done, and I know Colbert from the Colbert Report and Daily Show (obviously), but also that he voiced several characters on great shows like Venture Bros and Harvey Birdman. He also writes or has

Colbert is an absolute master at his craft.

Is it me, or did Ivy’s boobs get smaller in SCV?

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.

You mean there are women who enjoy having back problems.

Or a competition on who has the most back problems. Damn!

There’s something about this character that I like that I can’t quit put my finger on...

Interesting. For some reason I get an Eddy Gordo vibe from her, only with big boobs, of course.

So in SF universe Brazil has electrical powers, gotcha.

If her chest was just a bit bigger, she would give Ivy a bit of competition on laughably unrealistic boob sizes.