
It makes me wonder if anybody in Google is really in charge of YouTube. It is owned by one of tech's most powerful players (Google), but it runs for the hills and folds like lawn chairs whenever it gets a takedown notice. Where is the pushback? Why is Google is so passive in defense of YouTube? Yes, the media guys

Man, that is depressing. I mean, sure I have no problem going to their site, but I have often loved to just browse their reviews on my phone with my YouTube app. It's so ridiculous what YouTube is doing. :-/

well i think youtube is going to vanish off the net if this keeps up

That's really sad. I love these guys, they will review literally anything and in some instances its about the only place you could find some videos on certain games, systems, and accessories.

Now playing

As funny as this was it's sadly what is happening. I'm going to re-submit a message I posted in the other YouTube article an hour ago in here.

I'm sure someone owns the font used for Edward's money on display there.

But for reals: f*** them copyright robots.

This guy really nailed it. If Microsoft was smart, they'd hire him!

Check out the website, the author makes the most valuable points that Microsoft needs to heed:

1) Desktop users do not want an optimized touch screen experience.
2) Tablet users do not want an optimized desktop experience.

Design accordingly to each, homogenizing Windows products with the live tile mess alienates all

nice to see I'm not the only one madly in love with that start menu.

Er... ANYONE would be mad if their main source of revenue was threatened. That's sort of the point he, and dozens of others, are making.

People who are screaming at these folks to "get a real job," are clearly the kind of closed minded know-it-alls who don't think musicians or artist have real jobs either and don't deserve the security. Just because you hate your job despite its practicality doesn't mean everyone else has to.

Get a real job?! His job is no diferent than a tv presenter, no diferent that ign, kotaku or gametrailers guys that work there. He does what he loves and dedicates it's time for its fans!
So your coment is just stupid and childish.

Nice try. What he does is a real job. If you claim Angry Joe doesn't have a real job then that means no video game critic/journalist has a "real" job. He does everything any game journalist/critic does and he does it all by himself.

And what makes this job any worse than stacking shelves at a supermarket?

What backup plan, when you give your self for something you love for a audience that cares, it's a full time job like a job of a tv presenter. This is no diferent than Kotaku, Ign, Giantbomb, etc. Their works are based on games and their opinion matter for some people.

How the hell was he supposed to plan four years in advance for YouTube to pull an idiotic move like this?

but you can say that for any job.....

Well... Ghostbusters was fun at least, right?