Evett Hooper


God does not like ugly. Enko, whatever her name, exposed her self. He was not divorced and she is an adulterer. Bottomline. Torrei was telling the truth about Kevin the entire time and he is going to cheat on her. Karma is something.

How you gonna have a “rib” that’s a foot taller than you? Wouldn’t it make more sense if he called Eniko his “antler” or “rhino horn”?

Hah see - I found all of those funny or entertaining in varying degrees. Even the parts of those movies I didn’t find particularly funny or entertaining, I could see why other people would - kind of like how you might understand how Taylor Swift is attractive, even if you don’t personally find her so.

If I ever dated a dude who called me his “rib,” I’d dump him with the quickness.

Lol, right?!

What is this thing? Is it the biblical rib? The whole, a man gets to be a whole person but a woman is just a small fraction of a whole person thing? And why do I have a taste for rib tips now?

That “rib” shit is stupid. Cut it out, men.