
Ding ding ding! Correct! This lens can stop down to f/22.

The s100 is going to have better image quality with a larger sensor and (I assume) faster lens. I'd take the ability to shoot RAW over pretty much anything and would definitely pay $100+ for it.

I agree that there are times that shock collars are appropriate, but not at all in the situations you mentioned if you really care about your dog's mental health and happiness and not just about your convenience. In any training you HAVE to look at what your dog's motivations are and work with those, not the outward

Well, technically, negative reinforcement is removing anything from the environmen that will cause the desired behavior to increase. So, the example of shocking the dog until it sits is in fact negative reinforcement. When you shock your dog for jumping up on someone that is positive punishment - adding something

Ok, I see what you're getting at here Jesus, and mostly agree, but I respectfully think you're missing the mark a bit. Yes, I agree that to train using negative reinforcement (technically defined as removing stimulus to increase the wanted behavior) is in almost every situation unnecessary and cruel, and hurts your

The other difference is who gets paid directly it seems. With prepaid you pay through your itunes account when you activate it, with post paid you pay on your AT&T bill at the end of the month. Seems like by offering lower overage charges for those who only go over by a bit AT&T is trying to get you to pay them

Umm.... the irony of your post is stunning. I believe those carrying out this (admittedly unhelpful and moronic) prank are those actually advocating your "live and let live" creed.

@DrinkYourMilk: I dunno, I'd say most of us put our body through more by not living the way he did.

@oddgit: Well, I mean, for most websites all you have to do is pinch and zoom or double tap the text right? sure the images would look a little pixelated, but, jeez, looking at a 260dpi image is like looking at a full res print. That would be awesome.

@nclay1: I don't think that's too far out there. It's not like you'll be running photoshop on the iPad, and you won't be looking at your iMac from 12 inches very often.

@nclay1: "resulting in 4x the graphics power of the current iPad and iPhone 4's chips"

@Alexander Cardosa: umm... unless you're making the screen smaller higher dpi with the same resolution is impossible.

@LegacyCrono: Dammit! Just as I read your comment my iPad stopped working entirely...

@Y2KGTP: Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but how could they add more pixels without changing the resolution? Do you mean the aspect-ratio?

@TheLemon: From a logical Christian (yes rare, but not an oxymoron) standpoint, life on other planets wouldn't change anything and the fact that we are tiny and insignificant in relation the universe doesn't mean a thing. Evolution itself isn't logically incompatible with Christianity, though I think that the

@acasto: I don't think there are any arguments (well, plausible arguments) that are predicated on the assumption that we know everything about how life works. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the fact that no one can explain or predict how life works is a pretty good indication that pondering the existance of God isn't

Just teach a class! I've returned to my college (graduated in 2005) to teach a photography 101 class (two 1hr. classes per week). The ID that they issued me looks just like student IDs and doesn't even say faculty on it. In fact I still have my same ID number from when I was a student. Most education discounts

@Philip Han: Seriously, start at f/1 and it would be killer.

@ImmaLion: 1.4 would make sense, but 1.2 and 1.8 aren't "whole numbers" in the f/stop scale.

@everyxnewxday: Just to be clear, I think we all meant to say body cap, not lens cap. : )