Be smart. There are plenty of other ways to make people you deem undesirable uncomfortable enough to leave your establishment without ever saying a word to them.
Be smart. There are plenty of other ways to make people you deem undesirable uncomfortable enough to leave your establishment without ever saying a word to them.
An obese woman would never get elected
Its food laced with drugs. Only an asshole calls it an “edible”
Why is he allowed to tweet from prison?
Next time I’d like to learn the genesis of HNIC
I’ve got a haunch he’ll find another job soon
What do men want?
The total attendance of their 10 home games so far this year
Gawker Media:chums water
you're gonna have a hard time finding a husband with that attitude
Sorry. Forgot what site I was on. Woman good. Men bad. Are we cool now?
Lol @ "That poor woman"
My boyfriend was pretty sheepish about it, obviously flattered, and maybe or maybe not interested.
does every story need to be about some dude some place that said some thing that some guy finds somewhat upsetting? I say you guys get back to real journalism and have more stories about how I can buy speakers for my shower
Sorry but for Phillies fans like us the truth hurts
Genuinely curious, why (other than health issues) would anyone want to have an abortion after 20 weeks?
It's a shame that I can no longer differentiate the troll from the imbecile
One of the few good things about moving down here is the beer. I can go 2 blocks and get a sixer of freshly brewed jai alai for $8.50. Got a six pack of St petersburgs 3 Daughters IPA in the fridge right now and it's great (except jai alai looks, smells and tastes better).