
At least no one got shot.

I like how you just blew by the link Patricia posted that proves that you’re way off base and charged ahead with your internal narrative that this site has a double standard about posting with regards to video game tits and dicks.

I hope she has 50k for repairs and maintenance!

Except not really. Leicester’s schedule going forward is pretty straightforward. It’s not as if they control their own destiny and they weren’t embarassed yesterday. They just lost. They’ll be able to rebound. it’ll be a race to the end, sure. But they’re still in first.

This is all the proof you really need.

Give it a rest, Jared.

To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

It’s because there is legal precedent that it’s “secure.” Believe me, I wish I could take the fax servers I support out the back door and shoot them.

Ken M. is that you?

His wife is Cecilia. He sent the video to her and she sent it in to the news station. The reporters thought that the husband and wife were together and he says “my wife is Cecilia, she’s at home.” The whole flippin situation is crazy.

What does his wife being Sicilian have anything to do with her not being there?

The first time I saw this, I was shocked at how she flew across the floor. On the second viewing, I got really sad at the lack of reaction from the other students. They’ve seen this shit before. Look at them. They barely flinch. I would have been out of my mind if this happened in my suburban, lily white high school.

...Does anybody else here the low purposeful breathing starting around the 30 second mark?

The thing is, they don’t really have to fully balance it. From the looks of it, they are not looking to attract people on higher skill levels who would want to minmax everything, but people just looking for a fun time among friends who want to have something completely off the wall happen while playing. Much like how

So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being stuck behind a slow car in the twisties for 15 miles till the next actual passing zone, stuff like that.

What’s “spot on”? Are you saying he has a total right to be a douchebag and do what HE wants no matter what? No matter that he lives in a social world with a bunch of other people?

I ride motorcycles and have for over 20 years now. Have I passed people on a double yellow before when I was younger? Absolutely. Do I do it anymore? No way. Is it always wrong? Yes, for at least two reasons: (1) it means you are out of driver expectation (same as bicyclists running stop signs even when it’s “safe” -

There’s never been a better time to play games on PC. Not only does the PC get the lion’s share of the best new