
Whether or not these women vote for the Dems, YOU can get involved. No matter where you live in the country. Ten more days!

These people, if they have children, have nannies to get their kids ready. For those of us with little kids and no nannies, the “morning routine” is either taken up with begging a child to get out of bed or being woken up before dawn by a child you want to sleep in for fucking once.  Then it’s lots of crying and

I’m not a morning person. Going against your circadian rhythm has proven to be unhealthy in the long run. In other words: I’m not getting up before 9, and as I’m my own boss, I’m fine with that.

His offices are kept on lock-down, to stop him ever having to see the people he’s trampling in the dirt.

This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.

“fiscally conservative, socially liberal”

The gross part is how many “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” folks still think she is “a moderate”. I don’t fucking get it.

glory be to riri on high forever and ever amen

When do we stop calling organizations like the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation ‘think tanks’ and call them what they really are: Centers to dismantle progressive, democratic advances made over the 20th in favor of predatory capitalism and reactionary (racist, sexist) social mores.

I think part of his problem is that, before he became a judge, he spent a lot of time working in highly partisan GOP outfits. That’s not disqualifying, but it does make it harder for him to maintain the equanimity that most justices aspire to. Someone like Gorsuch, by contrast, spent almost entire career either as a

I think Chris Evans has just bumped himself up in the Best Chris rankings with this one.  He is the most politically minded Chris... he may have taken over for Pine in my eyes today.  

I agree, although the only things I know her from were Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Scott Pilgrim Versus the World, and Fargo Season 3. Of the three outings she was best in Fargo Season 3 where I think she was given more freedom with her character.

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

It’s RT. That’s probably why they’re not reporting on it.  You may want to take that Russian propaganda with a whole mountain of salt.

Roman Farrow has indeed been doing some great work, which I’m sure makes his family incredibly proud of him, particularly as it both implicitly and explicitly honors his sister’s truth. But when we talk about the media’s watershed moment against high-powered sexual predators, let’s please make an effort to always

I saw them at Wolf Trap (outside of DC) a couple summers ago when they were trying a lot of new material.  It was awesome.  I hope some of those numbers worked out because I’d love to see how they changed between then and now.

I remember when news like this might have been exciting or elicited some sense of hope.

“Obama wants to play golf instead of deal with people. Part of being a leader is to get everybody in line.” - Trump to fox news in 2015.