
While we should obviously reform our maternity leave policies, let’s not pretend this comment thread isn’t blowing up precisely because it’s primarily about/among women for whom bringing their babies places is more a matter of choice/preference than a need.

What on Earth does any of this have to do with single women, aside from the fact that you don’t like them?

I didn’t say, and am not unaware, that it’s not the norm for men to ask women out. I’m just appalled by your suggestion that women somehow changing this might be an important part of stopping men from treating people disrespectfully when they absolutely know better.

It makes perfect sense once you realize that what he’s saying is that men are more entitled to a date than women are to basic decency.

I’m a woman who doesn’t date women, and isn’t looking to date anyone at the moment. And even if I were, I wouldn’t think that other people’s failure to ask me out justified rude behavior on my part, because I’m not an entitled narcissist who feels sorry for myself.

Or maybe to some people the world doesn’t, like, totally revolve around finding people to date, at all times. And maybe those people should be allowed to ride the subway without dealing with the fact that yours does.

I think you’re operating under the assumption that a significant majority of vegans/vegetarians actually believe that everybody in the world, no matter their circumstances, should eat like they do, which...nobody in this comment thread or in this article actually said. Even if you’ve personally encountered a bunch of

I think this is a good point. There are a lot of vegetarians/vegans who eat a lot of imitation meat/cheese products, so for them it’s probably not that big of a leap. I would think the people who would be least likely to do it are the plant-based vegan types (who tend to eschew processed foods and not eat the “fake”

That’s really interesting. I don’t know if anyone has/knows how to research it, but it would be a cool study. I think a lot of it might have to do with your body getting used to what you eat, though, and that perhaps it depends on what kind of vegan/vegetarian diet one follows. I would think that if you’re the kind of

A big part of that can probably be attributed to missing meat/dairy or whatever, because many people probably do, but it being generally difficult to follow a diet like that in a society where the overwhelming majority of people don’t (and often actively hate/feel threatened by even the mention of doing so) is also a

I get the sentiment, but the ethical element of this statement is ridiculous. If lots of us had to choose between doing a thing we might otherwise object to in a dire situation and keeping our convictions, we’d obviously do the thing. Literally everything humans believe/find to be moral would be rendered totally

Could this also have something to do with the fact that people tend to drink late at night, and in groups with other people (who are unlikely, statistically, to be vegetarians), so they go to one of the few places that is open at that time where others want to stop and, lo and behold, it’s cheap and greasy and many of

At least those vegan/vegetarian people are going on about a thing that actually has ramifications beyond themselves. It’s still crappy to treat other people’s individual choices like they’re the biggest contributor to an issue that can only truly be fixed on a political/industrial level, but I find them at least

I don’t disagree that one of the most important things we can do is raise the next generation to be better, but it always rubs me the wrong way when people pretend the problem is just “nasty old white men from a different era.” If it were just them, and not scores of people who don’t fit that demographic who enjoy and