
National Treasure 2? Is that ok? Asking for a friend.

Ah yes. I love that movie too.

National Treasure

“Luke will be a force to be reckoned with.”

A lot of times, you hear stories about a professional athlete going broke, and you feel bad for them.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

Fuck FitBit? They bought some company assets and hired some engineers. Fuck them for making sure people keep jobs in this economy? People that decided to work for a stupid shitty scam company? Fuck FitBit for running a successful company that makes good products that people actually like, and stays in business?

It’d be nice to see an actual football discussion on here about Penn State and not some stupid, internet neckbearded, mama’s basement dwelling idiots. Look we get it, Sandusky was bad. JoePa was bad, Larry Moe and Curley were bad. And they are all gone and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I hate it and them

I’m telling you Hollywood just do Space Slam with wrestling and the Rock in the MJ role. It’s the perfect sequel.

This one time, there was a huge possum sitting on my backyard fence, and I side-armed a tennis ball right at it and knocked it off. Pretty sure I had that same goofy grin on my face. That was my World Series.

I’ve run four marathons with similar times (3:44, 3:39, 3:39 and 3:38). Those times beat 91%, 94:, 84% and 93% of their fields. His is an objectively fast time.

Dude, we all celebrate your running prowess, but you gotta look up “casual” in the dictionary. That’s an 8:36/mile pace. If you are running a marathon in less than four hours, you are — by definition — more than a casual runner.

“These findings are bringing more questions than answers,”

Wait. what.. you say you’ve played Punchout as much as you say.. and you’ve never beat Mike Tyson!?! wtf.. How can that be? You must have not really tried. Either that or you’re playing on an emulator where the split-second response needed is harder to do.

Petros grows on you. His show with Matt “Money” Smith is the greatest thing currently on Los Angeles terrestrial radio.

Last year on The Challenge Petros picked football games against a pig named Wilbur. It was a goofy gimmick, but they had a lot of fun with it. This year they ditched Wilbur and had Petros pick games against a parrot. So at the end of the football season they brought “Wilbur” back. That’s what’s going on. People seem

Similarly, when I open the front door, nobody expects me to have pants on.

When I was applying for college in the 90s, I was under a lot of pressure. My parents expected me to go to a top school like Stanford - all kinds of straight A students got rejected from Stanford, so I was really pushing myself. I had all kinds of extra-curricular activities in addition to a demanding course load.

If only these Menendez brothers knew how deadly they could be in the shotgun