
Yeah, we’ve examined the audio, and it turns out LeBron didn’t leave Kevin Love hanging at all. He just called him a shit-ass moron and told him the Cavs would be better if he’d never been born.

I’m surprised nobody is talking about the moving in-game tributes each team payed to the passing of Muhammad Ali. The Warriors floated like a butterfly while the Cavs seemed to have died 48 hours earlier.

Please keep us updated.

Bro, you are so stupid its unbelievable.

Is this a real opinion or is the joke that you know the reputations of d-league refs?

You hear that Michael? MISTER France. Give him the respect he deserves. Gordy here is clearly a NYT writer.

I think the problem with that theory is that even if one friend wins decisively, there’s the idea that maybe there was tension that boiled over and both of them went at it and the loser maybe got his licks in, so they both got to exorcise what was pissing them off. I don’t know quite how big this guy is, but Blake

Funny that you would choose this article, which you were not forced to click on and which by the time you posted this comment had been pushed to the bottom of Deadspin’s front page by more than eight posts about sports, to complain about the lack of sports. How’d you end up here, my dude?

How do we know it wasn’t the Skechers Shape-Ups?