Everyone needs the vitamin d

I work for a publishing company. Our CEO started a speech, “If you don’t write stories or don’t sell ads, you’re overhead.” He was also building a mult-million dollar house in a market where most of our employees couldn’t afford the rent, and had neither written a story, nor sold an ad, ever. I was 34, and this is

Ideally, there would be three separate figure to represent the series as a whole - Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt and Lee Meriwether. But if they are only going to make one, my vote is for Julie Newmar since she had the most appearances as Catwoman in the series.

The closed beta is really good and presents exactly the sort of game I wanted when I backed the Kickstarter. It is bizarre, surprising, fun, well-written, and very text-heavy. But more interactive than Planescape: Torment was.

I thought Pegg et al wrote an above average script that was hurt by a terrible director.

Hot Toys, please do a Julie Newmar Catwoman ‘66.

Trust me, Urban has plenty to do in BEYOND—and comes close to stealing the whole movie.

Now playing

I like to think that Spock appealed to Kirk’s mind and Bones appealed to Kirk’s heart. Despite the fact that Spock and Bones clashed with one another frequently, they respected each other, and their loyalty to each other was unshakable. And even though The Final Frontier is rightly derided as it is, the campfire scene

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a bad word uttered about Urban’s performance, and you won’t from me either. I wish he had twice the screen time.

I don’t think Spock and McCoy hate each other. There are any number of instances where they confide at least a begrudging respect for each other. They got on each other’s nerves, yes; but just as often, I think they just liked to spar.

Ooh, good callback, I didn’t even think about that!

I offer my condolences to any of the family she had who might have loved her, and my congratulations to anyone who’s suffered under noxious judgment. Farewell Phyllis. You won’t be missed.

Get over yourself! Have any fucking opinion you want. What we don’t need is your opinion, and then so kindly suggesting how to be based on your fucking opinion! That’s the point. Women do not need or want your help based on what you find attractive. Women are free to do what they want with their bodies. You may not

I would pay good money to see “scientologists vs lions”. Particularly if they include their stress testing device.

her name was the first thing I saw connected with this, a few months ago, and I was very pleased and excited.
Then I saw that the next “big name” attached was Tim Burton, and my hopes withered and died, like leaves on the gnarled, blackened branch of a tree in a graveyard...these trailers aren’t giving me much more

This article is sorely lacking of the Stormlight Chronicles by Brandon Sanderson.

Including the CK2 mod?

This article says they’ve only been trying to contact Valve since last October (2015). So that doesn’t really hold up. And as everyone has pointed out all over the place, these generic-ass patents apply to a ton of other services as well.

Because their claim is unmitigated horseshit, and nobody is required to respond to bullshit cease and desist letters from patent trolling idiots regardless of how big their company or claim is.

Who wants to live in a world where no-one but BT is allowed to use portal-to-subscription content delivery services (which applies as much to Steam as it would Netflix, Comixology, PSN, iTunes), messaging services that leave messages for you when you’re not around (Skype, Google Hangouts), and the final one covers

*frantically looks for google translate button*