Everyone needs the vitamin d

I think my favorite is “Jimmy Garoppolo.”

More like, if you’re not voting for Clinton, those are the things you’re voting for by ushering them into the most mainstreaming authority in the country (and maybe the world).

I’d be more ok with this if the body he is forced into wasn’t a skilled white guy. It would be more of a challenge trying to get anyone to listen to you and get your body back if he woke up as an unskilled young black woman.

I read it as the ship was commissioned 203 years ago, but the wreck happened 168 years ago, and the ship had 35 years of sailing before it was lost.

I’m sure deep down she really respects your need to remain morally pure.

The main theme in Captain America: TFA is actually a superbly written anthem, and I can listen to it endlessly.

... perhaps some of us realize that you dont piss in the flower pot of someone who just rescued your ass from being shut down completely.

First Amendment applies to the government.

This has nothing to do with the First Amendment.

I’m surprised how many commenters who apparently read gawker media posts don’t understand why the deletion of such articles would matter.

I’ve been critical of the content of 2 of those posts. Having said that, standing up for your beliefs and sticking to a code says a lot. Glad to be a reader, and thrilled to see the above statement. Good luck and I hope you all stick around for the foreseeable future..

There’s a lot of commenters on here that are praying for your demise. Just want to say there’s plenty of people that do not wish that in any way and that indeed support your decisions as a union. Ethics are incredibly important and the fact that mistakes have happened in the past does not mean you have to be doomed

Licensed music or not, I think it’s one of the best Marvel films largely because they focused on the soundtrack first to set the tone and built around it.

I think the first two Captain America movies had good music. I can hum the “Star-spangled Man with the Plan” in my sleep, while Winter Soldier’s “Take a Stand” music is something that got stuck in my head and I can hum along with.

Are you sure, though? Because a quick look at OP’s comment history reveals 3 things: 1) He is furious at the media for constantly giving Trump free publicity coverage; 2) His distaste for Kaepernick-style “grandstanding” coexists with his fervent drum-beating for more attention and more aid for the displaced residents

I vote Kamala. Anything really. TV-show, Movie, anything. Just get her on the screens!

(despite the fact that he, you know,still looks like Darth Vader).

So because he is big and strong he deserves dementia?

I’m pretty sure helmet-to-helmet hits aren’t supposed to be allowed against running backs either.

You must be trolling, right?