everyone deserves a day

Pull yourselves up, ladies, and Lean In!

It always grosses me out how many people are willing to just roll over and consent to illegal search. This includes not only your car, but your home.

I agree that they will bring a dog and use any excuse to search your car. (e.g. the dog sat down; the dog barked; the dog pawed at something; the dog farted) However, that doesn't mean you should consent to a search if you have nothing to hide. Tying up their resources and making them work for nothing is the best

Honestly, I couldn't disagree more. Do not consent to a search ever. Because once you consent, the issue is pretty much closed. If you don't consent, sure they may hold you there and wait for a drug dog to arrive or just go ahead and search it anyway, but at least your lawyer will have some grounds to challenge the

This is so wrong it hurts. What if a previous passenger dropped a tiny amount of weed in the floor board? What if the cop plants something? Now instead of having two defenses: 1. he planted it and 2. it was an unlawful search, you have only the one.

...just do yourself the favor and let them search it because they're going to anyway

NO. Wrong. They NEED A WARRANT. Yeah, "real life" happens, but it isn't right. No, just no.

Hey! Fellow white lady here. If my car breaks down in a mostly white neighborhood, I generally don't have to worry about getting shot in the head because I look like the homeowner's idea of a threat.

I am a landlord. My time is my most valuable commodity. When I have renters that take care of these minor items themselves I appreciate and reward them with great service on the real problems, and far fewer rent raises. Do the math.

You need to review your 8th grade guide to Venn Diagrams, ma'am.


I was with you until the Amanda Bynes thing. She actually has a mental illness, so her "downward spiral" is not fair to compare.

He is going to REALLY REGRET having taught the kitten that this is okay, when it's a full-grown cat.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn

So silly! Wanna' make a cronut?

Okay? I am a fat girl that doesn't even like pastries & have no desire to try a cronut, yet by the halfway point of this post I felt ashamed even for wondering what the damn thing tastes like. I guess I'll never know, as I'm too busy to hoist my inactive ass out of my Memory Foam mattress...

Dear Yeezus,

I absolutely adore this show and the gang of comedic geniuses involved. However, the latest installment on Netflix was like hanging out with your high school friends you haven't seen in 4+ years. The fond memories and place in your heart will always be there, but the magic (or, ILLUSIONS) from your glory days will

Huh. Well, I guess it happens. I think he's a decent guy, but I am really surprised no one caught this during production.