Aimee, I’m not going to tell you you’ll find someone or you won’t die alone or the right guy is out there but you need to relax.
Aimee, I’m not going to tell you you’ll find someone or you won’t die alone or the right guy is out there but you need to relax.
The thing that bothers me about this argument, Tim, is that for artistic purposes (and I’m an educated painter), the idea of fair use is for transformative, or satirical, or commentative purposes. None of which the pulled earrings meet. They’re just a sad replica, swiped from upper management’s back catalogues. Those…
That seems like something that could definitely happen in North Reading or Tewksbury. Just saying.
Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let…
coming out of somewhere
I feel like a total asshole for saying this, but this is actually an alpaca.
The White Devil is alive and kicking, and today he has taken the form of a dimwitted Hungarian woman who thought it…
Adrian Grenier is the least interesting man in the world.
On a trip to Australia, a girlfriend and I landed in Sydney and through a mix-up, were dropped off at the wrong hotel. As it wasn’t too far, we decided to just schlep our luggage to the correct place. Three different groups asked us what happened and if we wanted to go for a drink (guys & girls). It was 830 in the…
Oh my god I’m so glad there’s a space for me to express how stupid this article is. It’s literally the exact same article papers have been writing about rich white kids in Manhattan since the 1920s, updated each year to include the new technology and trend.
My feelings towards this story are kinda me(t)h.
Then, in an even more embarrassing error, People Magazine mixed up Elvis Gerbac with Michael Rappaport.