Quality Assurance will write you a “Direct Safety Violation” or DSV, and you’ll be in front of the Maintenance Group Commander for a snowball. Ask me how I know.
Quality Assurance will write you a “Direct Safety Violation” or DSV, and you’ll be in front of the Maintenance Group Commander for a snowball. Ask me how I know.
Which trilogy? The terrible prequels or the classic original trilogy? If the later, then the special editions are okay, but nothing compared to the proper Despecialized Editions. Here’s the preview and make of them:
Seriously, with that animated GIF? I realize that it’s still Gawker here, but I thought this was the grownup section. Especially since the article attached was sober and non-sensationalist. C’mon, we’re better than that.
“Full disclosure, I don’t know if TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) massagers actually do anything useful.”
“Full disclosure, I don’t know if TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) massagers actually do anything…
Technically they did have WMD... quite a bit actually. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/25546334/#.…
This is such an outstanding game buy it without hesitation .
This is such an outstanding game buy it without hesitation .
getting reliable info is tough but yes it looks like it went off and it was horrific, multiple tweets describe it as well, although it’s hard to confirm these things for obvious reasons.
Rules of war don’t often make sense, and they’re frequently just ignored.
The Handsome Collection is Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel (with DLC). Borderlands 1 is not included. #corrections
The Handsome Collection is Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel (with DLC). Borderlands 1 is not included. #corrections
Today on Amazon, $40 gets you both original Borderlands games with all of their DLC for your PS4 or Xbox One.
Today on Amazon, $40 gets you both original Borderlands games with all of their DLC for your PS4 or Xbox One.
These deals are kinda disappointing.
These deals are kinda disappointing.
What happened to the App Deals posts?
What happened to the App Deals posts?
I read it.
Color me unimpressed.
I read it.
Color me unimpressed.
“How about we wait for her to have a meltdown and then she is crying and tries to scratch — and then you’ll want to help her.”
The Evil Within’s $12 deal is for the physical PC release.
The Evil Within’s $12 deal is for the physical PC release.
I do not mean to be demanding, I am very appreciative of these listings... But could it be denoted if a PC game deal is physical or digital?
I do not mean to be demanding, I am very appreciative of these listings... But could it be denoted if a PC game deal…