
Yeah I'm sure the stories will be exaggerated during the civil suits. But my comment had nothing to do with that.

No, I understand you completely. You think it would be morally right to punish the entire University. That is nonsense.

Yes, and if proven, they will be outed.

That's complete nonsense. The scandal had nothing to do with football. The people responsible for not telling authorities have or will be punished. There is nothing more to it. A year from now you will see that you make no sense. Penn State will continue to be a great University and football school. Penn State is not

Yes, I've read everything you've read... believe me. The Penn State officials responsible for the cover-up have been fired. If there are more, the same will be done to them. The Freeh report didn't come back with anything earth shattering, just a few more pieces of evidence to suggest the accused did actually know

That's probably why you aren't in a position to hire anybody. There are over half a million Penn State graduates. About 38,000 current undergraduate students. And you think it makes sense to dismiss a potential employee based on the actions of a handful of rowdy students? Nonsense.

The consequence is that everyone involved is either fired, in jail, or dead. The administration that is left has nothing to do with the scandal. So how does this make any sense?

Yeah, we should punish the football players, the entire student body, and the entire staff of the athletic department for what the ex-coach has done. And think about all of the financial penalties for not being able to operate a football team... that would probably hurt the entire University for years to come. Sounds

So you are saying that the student body and the rest of the football program who had nothing to do with the scandal are just as guilty? That's ridiculous. Again, everyone who was involved with the scandal is fired, dead, or in jail. This isn't a football scandal. It's like saying... If an ex-professor of engineering

They are talking formally about their father and many people know him by his first name. I work with my father in an office, and when speaking formally, I use my fathers first name.

Why do you want to punish the 40,000 students who attend the university? Why do you want to hurt Penn State's football program even more than it has already been hurt? Paterno is dead, Sandusky's in jail, and the other will be punished for what they did. Why do we need to attack the players, the fans, and everyone

and to think everyone hated it when it first came out... people just hate change.

100% false for you. But there are billions of other people on this earth. Unless the article was written about you... then I'm wrong.

But the person who originally bought the game isn't using the online service anymore. So it still costs the company the same amount of money as a person who bought the game and continues to play. Who cares who is playing, there is still only one person playing per copy. They have that expense calculated into the

Jobs is even quoted as saying that he doesn't deserve the credit, and that he wishes the R&D team would receive more appreciation for Apple's products...

In my house... people would be constantly screaming different things at the TV. I can see the family arguments already...

So you have to make yourself look like a retard just to open your phone? Sounds like an innovative feature.

Damnit... I was really hoping to pick it up later today with a free select HTC smartphone... but I guess not. Thanks for your help though.

This might be off topic... but does Best Buy sell MW3?