
You really think transferring makes it all better? Have you ever transferred to a new university? If you have... than you should know it's not easy. If you haven't... than you won't understand.

They are accused of covering up child molestation to preserve the football program's reputation. This isn't even slightly malicious sounding to you?

Exactly. All of the keyboard warriors act all high and mighty when asked this question. However, in reality, it is a much more difficult decision. Especially when all of the facts aren't laid out in front of you. Hindsight's 20/20.

Completely agree. Most of the people you see rant about Penn State are simple minded and just want to bitch about something because it keeps them busy. It's such a complicated story that we will probably never understand. However, Joe Paterno is the only name the simple minded know and therefore he will take all of

Every company has interest in profit and market share... Every company would like to snuff out their competitors. It's how a business becomes successful.

The article says that Google is working on a new YouTube App for the App Store...

I never denied the rape... you're delusional. You can rant all you want... it's all nonsense.

Haha, I never denied the rape, making your whole point moot. I pointed out that you never read the report, in which you replied with an insult. Then you scrambled to read part of the report and copy and pasted the summary to me. Now today, you pretend to be an expert on the case while continuing to respond in your

I'll only listen to you when you take that dick out of your mouth.

Of course you've read some of it now... after being embarrassed the first time. Stop trying to prove something to me. I don't care.

I researched this issue and NBC is confirmed to be a US based broadcasting station. Makes sense.

Come on man... stop belittling such big news.

You're just butt-hurt that someone called you out for not reading the report.

I completely agree with you. I do not share Chick-Fil-A's views on gay marriage and don't really agree with supporting anti-gay foundations, but I do love their chicken sandwiches. The Chick-Fil-A down the street from me is packed with people today. I don't go to restaurants based on their personal views. I go because

I'm not in denial. I'm not self righteous and I don't pretend to know everything.

I hope someday you realize how ignorant you were to the whole situation.

That is the summary of the report, you didn't read the entire report. You can tell me you did all day long, but it's obvious you didn't. I'm sure you scrambled to look through it when I accused you of never reading it, but that doesn't count. I never said the report exonerates him of anything, but it certainly doesn't

Again, you didn't read the Freeh report. You can defend yourself all you want, but reading articles on deadspin doesn't allow you to be a self-righteous twit.

No, you didn't read the entire report, if at all, and it's obvious. Also, where do you see the word "broke" in my response? You just keep babbling without being informed.

Where does it say he was "protecting a buddy so he could rape children with impunity"? Did you even read the freeh report? You know nothing if that's what you think.