Everett, Wa

Yeah, I don't get it. I was very disturbed at the scene, but I don't get this article. The author seems to be saying that the rapes in the books weren't rapes because the women eventually said yes as the men forced themselves on them. They are probably changing it for the show so there is no grey area - it's 100%

This was big with 1920s d-bag frat boys - they would constantly open their mouths at parties and give notecards to each other.

The hot incest did.

Neither is Jackie Chan. But Americans can't tell Asians apart….or there goes my idea to have Yao Ming as the police chief.

Probably. Here's my pitch: Minoru, a nationalistic Japanese cop that lived through Tokyo firebombs, has lost all faith in his nation and life itself teams up with Maitland, a guilt-tricken American scientist studying the fallout of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who just witnessed a murder. Will solving one murder restore

I thought the girl was sacrificed/murdered.

Eventually I'd love to see this anthology series do a shortly after WW2 Tokyo detective story.

So it turns out it the show was a pretty loose adaptation of that book Heaven is Real.

Oh yes, but in my book child death trumps asshole husband a million times over. And so far, the only person close to Cohle that he used/fucked over to achieve his goals was his old pal Ginger. And I'm cool with that.

It has been announced that season 2 is about murders at a bawdy women's prison where Russ Meyer is filming a movie. It's called True Detective: Pusswhipped!

I hated Maggie for using Rust like that. The man is seriously emotionally wounded and she knows that. Plus he seems to have always been a great ally to her. I was all for Maggie cheating on Marty to get back at him, but when she flat out used Rust in this ploy it was crazy fucked up and I lost all respect her.

I would say the deluge of fluff romantic comedies was the god awful garbage. I haven't seen Magic Mike, but I heard he was good in it, and that it was the beginning of his reawakening as a serious actor.

Didn't he play Tom Waits at the end, for a second, as a goof? What song was it?

This is one of the few half hour episodes of TV that seems to be two A stories, and both are brilliant.

I've been reading a lot about Richard Jewell bc they're making a movie about him. One of the people he tried to sue for exploitating him as the Olympic bomber was Jay Leno. That made perfect sense. Leno was a lazy, tiresome fuck from the get-go.

I'm a huge Seahawks fan that lives just north of Seattle, and man, everyone I know HATES the 49ers. My deep dark secret is while I root against them with all my heart, I don't really hate per se anything about San Francisco. Except the coach. I HATE Harbaugh. The comically funny-if-want-so-annoying cry face he has

New reviewer fr this show? Is Todd sitting at his desk like Vic Mackey?

America won't vote for a Leslie Knope this time around, an Obama. Nor will they vote for that dumbfuck Paul Rudd character, which would be a Bush repeat. They are however creaming themselves for a Ron Swanson. Thus his popularity, and the rise of these TV anti-Capra politicians.

Sadly, I see the only thing stopping him from becomming President is the GOP nominating someone else (Jeb, Paul Ryan) and blowing their shot. Otherwise it's the Carter/Reagan template - a guy seen as a no-nonsense straighshooter that comes off like a Hollywood larger than life type follows an ineffectual Preisdent

Did you read my comment? I'm saying the pendulum is swinging the other way now, and a homophobic anti-education politician still has a great shot, especially if he's able to overshadow such stances with an Hollywoodish say-it-as-it-is take-no-bullshit slant. You live in New Jersey. The dude wins by landslides