and then go into the office from 7:30-
and then go into the office from 7:30-
the G-forces that pilot endured
St. Louis police officers condemned the NFL's Rams today, calling their pre-game display ... "inflammatory."
you'll forgive the mom for shooting in vertical mode
The full decision by former U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones has been released, and it Jones outlines her logic as well as pointing out missteps by the NFL.
The Avengers ($10) | Amazon
How did "I'm thankful" manage to completely fit under all the other children, but had to be hyphenated for Isabella?
What are the data?
I thought her name was Heather Snosrap.
gizmos and gadgets not included in the Base model
But police cameras on public streets have eliminated urban violence!
if you're traveling with a few other family members on the same reservation, disperse each person to a different line, then have them text the group when they get to the front of the line
I don't know that it's so much outdated as era transcending. No blinking text. No rage-inducing foreground content and background images that scroll at different rates. Just information.
Human caption: "Three different types of pizza on top of a stove."
It says a lot about both babies and rubbers that a man would willingly pay someone to cut open his scrotum to ensure he never has to deal with either entity ever again.
told by a veteran submariner that will remain anonymous
Steven and Brian don't value design as much as code.
Evidently the she had started popularizing the hashtag...
There are plenty of super-tall (over 984 feet)