
I know you find me offensive. I’m okay with that. But if you ever find yourself falsely accused of murder, please come prepared with something better than, “I’m offended by your accusation,” or, “If you send me to jail for killing people, then I can’t help anyone with their needs!” Being offended doesn’t make someone

Wow. As I said before, it’s so much easier for you to slander me as a hateful zealot than to actually have the conversation. But if you’ll permit me, I’m going to keep trying to have one.

It’s an uncomfortable question, isn’t it? Because many women and girls have been fed the lie that it’s not really a baby but just a blob of tissue. And many have been harassed and pressured into abortion by others, especially the men who got them into the situation in the first place. But let’s leave those groups

Because the pro-abortion side has no satisfactory answers to questions about the humanity of life in the womb, they resort to insult and intimidation. (Sarin gas? Really? Even if you’re joking... Really?) I tried having several conversations with pro-choice counter protesters today, but none would engage in an actual