Lebron to the Lakers?
Lebron to the Lakers?
It’s Hank Johnston, playing Gunther in the 1993 Dennis the Menace flick.
Biyombo vs Adams is a matchup I would love to see.
If I was standing in a field wearing nothing but full battle armor (a hat and jean shorts) I could hold my ground and defeat a wave of at least one million children of a similar size. If you think differently you are wrong. One million and one of those children and I might succumb to their sheer numbers.
Also pretty good for early morning coffee brewing.
Track: Autumn Leaves | Artist: Stan Getz Quintet | Album: Chamber Music by the Stan Getz Quintet
I agree, as a whole the franchise has been overly serious in it's numbered iterations. If more of the game was like Hildebrand I might actually think it was worth a regular subscription, but as it is with it's rehashing of content...I'll just wait till Hildebrand is out in full effect to subscribe again.
Literally the only reason I resub to XIV now and again is to see what new adventures Hildebrand goes on. Otherwise the endgame remains as mindless and dull as ever.
But I actually like the “walking simulator” tag...lot of those are pretty neat.
Now they need to do something about the user tags system, since apparently labeling every family-friendly game as “survival horror” is still the most hilarious thing in the world for some people.
the devs or publisher forgot why people played burnout in the first place
Well I guess if he means thematic consistency then I suppose he has a point... Kind of... If you don’t consider the DQ promo stuff that was in the game or FFXIII and more improtant, the VERY glorious but VERY thematically inconsistent with the main game Hildibrand lol.
In Final Fantasy 14 Heavensward you actually fight Knights of the Round.
Also responsible for the greatest commercial of all time
They always say that, but they never do.
Herobrine is going to always be in the game he’s a in game character in order for them to fully remove him they would have to destroy the game and then they would have to recreate the game all over again
Off the air is the best show ever, especially when your “above the clouds”