
I can’t remember whether it’s a mod or a new addition (I don’t remember actively downloading it), but I had access to a building that’s essentially an artificial traffic boost; drop it and the roads around it move faster. Not the most elegant fix for the game’s traffic woes, but it works.

Stop buying games at launch.

It’s a Fabrique National de Herstal (FN) .45 ACP. Gamers will doubtless remember FN as makers of Sam Fisher’s iconic Five-seveN.

I could have sworn I pre-ordered the Binding of Isaac dlc for $6.66, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense

Wow. “Thanks for making me feel like a Beatle,” sums it up pretty nicely. I think it’s fantastic that Aaron gets such praise after being just number two for so long. It’s like Ron Weasley becoming the Quidditch rockstar — he finally gets a piece of the Fame & Glory pie. That moment when the crowd starts chanting your

Is it wrong of me to start freaking out and shouting obscenities as he’s playing? I can’t even imagine doing all that crap.

Here, me: I make the coaching motions with my noise mouth. The brain is where I live. I am crouched on the rim of the sun, observing humanity. I am the potato lotus, flowing. My beams are the beams of my teams, shining into their humanity from benches and boxes. Will I teach them the secrets of the trapezoid? I will

Undertale now has an official jazz album. Like “Determination,” the first Toby-Fox-sanctioned Undertale cover album, “Live at Grillby’s” takes a bunch of Undertale’s most memorable tracks and reimagines them—this time with gorgeous jazz. I bet Greater Dog is secretly a bomb-ass sax player.

that font beat comic sans 105-108

Anyone who wants to play this game, just do yourself a favor and get a Gamecube, a memory card and the game. Yes, it is out for PS3 with improved visuals and the sequel. But the PS3 controller is garbage, the sequel is a pile of radioactive dog shit, and you would have a GameCube, quite possibly the most criminally

Great, easy to understand explanation for even someone who had never heard of the Fine Brothers until today. Small quibble though: their whole idea of ‘take a few pennies from a whole lot of penny trays’ comes originally from Superman III, not Office Space. Give credit where credit is due.

He’s referencing the original FFVII pc port to PS4 announcement that made it seem like a remake before they actually announced the actual remake.

I don’t think he’s referring to the remake. Before the remake was announced, they revealed that they were rereleasing FF VII during one of the press conferences. There was a lot of buildup, on top of fans asking for a FF VII remake for years, just for them to say that they were releasing the same game again.

He’s talking about the initial debacle of the PS4 port of the PC port of FFVII, not the announcement of the remake everyone wanted.

I wasn’t talking about the Remake one there

A coal mine caught fire beneath the town and never stopped burning. Hence why it’s so hazy. It’s based on the very real, equally terrifying Centralia! Though if you mean to say that you prefer the far more... unexplained air of the first two games, then can’t really help that.

Now playing

This guy is a horrible electrician but he’s damn funny

Not really think about how many people just spent $500 on those stupid hoverboards.

That they play way better than you do.